Chapter 6

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Everett's POV:

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Everett's POV:

"I'm back." I called out to no one as I trudged into the living room with heavy feet and dropping dead onto the sofa. School is exhausting... Closing my eyes for a while, I hear soft footsteps heading my way, alerting of Mum's presence. Being a freelance Interior Designer, she usually stays home to do her work, only going out when required.

"Welcome back hun, dinner will be ready soon. Why don't you do take a bath first while we wait for your dad to come back." She urged, smacking my legs to get to bathe. Meh... too tired for that. Before I knew it, she was already pulling off my socks roughly and flinging it onto my face, making me jump in the air and wiping my face clean.

"Mummm! That's disgusting." I groaned in displeasure while she just laughed her head off like a maniac. Dude, who does that?

"Well, if you don't want your face to get infected, better take a bath now." She said with a smirk before turning back into the kitchen. I wonder what's she cooking... smells like pasta. Not wanting to really have my face infected, I rushed up to the bathroom, throwing my uniform off and into the laundry basket before scrubbing myself clean, especially my face.

I still can't get used to how my current body looks. What if I get stuck in here forever? Will I have to live with this small dick and dark lion mane? Well, technically not that small, just shorter and slimmer than mine. Urgh... I wonder if he's taking care of my body. He better not masturbate with it. I wonder if he's searching for his way back? Where am I even?

Slipping into a loose over-size tee and my boxers, I slid down the handrails and landed gracefully... on my face. At least I didn't smack his crotch against the end of the handrail. His balls would have shrivelled up and disappeared for sure. "Just about time mister. Come help me lay out the plates." Mum ordered from the kitchen as I searched for Dad. "If you're searching for your dad, he's in the bath." Holy shit. Is she physic?!

"Mum, where are we? Like this state/country?" I asked out of nowhere while laying the plates down neatly as she stared at me blankly for a moment before answering.

"Ah, we're in Ceres." Ceres? Isn't that close to the state I lived in? It's like only a train ride away. I should go there during the holidays...

"What's the date today?"I asked again as she stared at me weirdly this time, feeling my forehead in worry. Great, she thinks I've gone mad.

"Why are you suddenly asking all these questions? You've never bothered to ask these for the past 3 months. But anyway, it's the 24th of July. Any more questions?" Shaking my head no, she breathed out a sigh of relief, patting my head gently before picking up the dishes. "Good. Then help me bring out the dishes."

"Yes, Mummm..." I dragged, helping her carry out the remaining dishes to the table just as Dad took a seat at the table. "Thanks for the food, Mum. Smells great as usual." I complimented, earning a grin from mum as dad shook his head while laughing lightly.

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