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Almost a week had passed since Harry last left god knows where for a business trip. He's been trying to get used to this new place but it wasn't so easy. Not feeling comfortable staying in a house full of dangerous mafia people, he mostly stayed by Niall's side. They would usually go outside on the beach or either stay inside his room while they walked of never-ending topics.

When his friend was busy, he would stay in his room by himself. It wasn't so bad since he spent his time reading some magazines that Niall gave him after he made a request. It helped to keep him entertained with all the gossip he's been missing and all the handsome male models to admire. He's been missing his fun but for now, admiring pictures had to do. As he said, it always kept him entertained.

The good thing about residing in Harry's room was that no one can go inside the boss's room. It felt nice having the peaceful quiet but he eventually got bored. But besides that, it got too suspicious to ignore. No one would even get near him which confused him at first. He seriously wondered if they were all planning to kill him.

He later asked Niall what their problem was but he was informed they were just following Harry's orders. They knew what will happen if they disobeyed orders. It certainly wouldn't be pretty.

Having this advantage of being left alone, he sometimes explored around the huge house. At this point, he's gotten familiar around the house, already knowing where most rooms were located at and what was inside.

It was nothing that interesting. Most of the rooms were just guest rooms, a few offices including Zayn's clinic room, and another room that looked like a meeting room. Despite the many rooms, it was only on the second floor. The biggest floor was the third and top floor which was Harry's room. The entire floor was Harry's, along with him too since he was currently staying there.

While Harry wasn't here, he felt like paradise having the entire floor for himself. The only thing missing was his freedom. As much as he wanted to leave and go right back home, he couldn't. Not with the new guards watching his every move. He was certain Harry informed them to do so after the little incident.

Besides being a kidnapped hostage, it didn't feel like it. He had a huge beautiful room for himself to enjoy and was also able to make requests to Niall who would gladly accept if it was something he could get. Not wanting to bother Niall too much, he only asked for his beauty and gossip magazines and some clothes that were more of his style.

If he was going to be staying here for a while, he might as well try to look pretty like he usually did, unlike the sick and weak look he had during his first days here. All the crying and stress had him looking worse than ever. He almost looked like a dying person. He has never seen himself look this bad before.

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