Vent #1

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   So, recentley I spent six days at a friends house and ended up leaving today. Now when I left, it was a forced upon leaving because my friend, who we are going to call A, "accidentaly" forgot that her friend, who we will call D, was coming to pick her up. Now, A never even told me that she had a plan at all with D, so I was confused. 

   Did I ask about it? No. Why? Because I didn't want her to think I was being jealous, or being a bitch, so of course I kept my mouth shut and just nodded. Then A asked me if I wanted to go home or go with her to D's house, I said that I would just go home because of the fact that A made it seem as though she didn't want me there. 

   I only assumed I wasn't wanted there because earlier in the day she suggested that I went home, so I of course, went home. I also don't really like D or her family, which adds onto why I decided not to go.

   A has made plans while I was there without even asking me, but most of them fell through with or without me knowing. Also, as soon as A got to D's house, she posted on her snapchat story that she was getting high. I already knew A smoked weed, especially with D. Now, D posted pictures on her story on snapchat of her bestfriend finally being back, and all that. So of course, I felt unimportant.

   I just wanted to write about this to get it off my mind, it kind of hurts to know that your only bestfriend will spent a whole month or two with one friend, but consider you their only bestfriend that is the most important. Meanwhile, they can only manage to spend a whole week with you, before getting tired of you. I sound so fucking jealous right now, but I mean of course I am. I constantly feel alone, even around my own family, I trully think i'm always going to feel alone.

   Anyhow, I hope anyone who reads this has a good day.
                                                                                                                                     ~ Love, 
                                                                                                                                                       ~ K
( Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 ⏰

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