Balanced Watch?

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" Alright kids enter and we will discover what element you are the most compatible with. Everyone line up and we will get this done quickly." Rachel told her group of ten prospects. All the girls crowded the front of the line, Mitch happily took the last place in line. " What's your name?"

" My name is Rochelle, but I just go by Chelle." A girl with long red hair and freckles said as she walked up to Rachel and the machine that's used to determine the compatibility. 

" Alright Chelle, put both hands on the two bars in front of you." Chelle did as Rachel instructed and had a strong hold on the bars waiting for the results to appear.

" What even allows us to manipulate elements?" Mitch heard a boy in front of him ask another one of the males.

" It's clearly the watches that some of the survivors found in the many ships that were left behind." The other boy responded.

" So, we are using alien technology in order to train and fight aliens? How weird." The boy responded, Mitch closed his eyes to hide how annoyed he was. His acidic green bangs covered one of his eyes, the rest of his jet black hair hidden by a purple beanie.

" Interesting, your water compatibility is your highest at eighty percent, congrats you'll start in a few months. Provide this strip of paper before you leave to get a watch. Next." Rachel said, sending Chelle away greeting another female student.

" The name is Diane, but I go by Di for short." A girl with platinum blonde hair with streaks of red, announced happily. Many of the boys had heart shaped eyes staring at her.

"You heard what to do." Rachel told her, gesturing her to move it along. " Excellent you can pick between water and earth. They both entered at eighty five percent."

" My name is Coby." A girl with green hair said as she placed her hands on the bar.

" Excellent, your highest compatible element is air, at ninety percent. Congratulations." Rachel told her, handing another slip of paper out. Mitch was bored with how slow everything was that day, he had to try and hide a yawn.

" How disrespectful." The boy that tried attacking Mitch earlier said under his breath, just loud enough for Mitch to hear. Causing the young boy to smile. Mitch spaced out and before he knew it, it was already time for Mitch to put his hands on the bar. There were three fire users, two earth user, two water users and two air users so far.

" What's your name boy?" Rachel asked him as he stepped forward with a sly smile only half listening to her.

" The name is Mitch, although most people only call me Athena's or Jessica's brother." He said with a smirk, yawning again.

" Ah, yes. You are the boy that has the perfect grades. You're lowest mark was a ninety-seven percent." Rachel commented causing the other nine to uproar.

" Really he has been spoken of at my school too. I thought it was a lie though." One girl whispered to another one of her peers. 

" It's nothing really. Class bores me, so I do it quickly so I can relax." Mitch said, placing his grip on both sides of the placement bars.

" That's weird, I don't think your results are correct." Rachel said, rubbing her eyes. While she said this, the other nine students gasp at what his results show.

" Perhaps we should try a new machine?" Mitch questioned smirking at his results that were displayed. Rachel just nodded and left the room, being followed by the ten students. Mitch tailed the group as they all silently whispered glancing over at him ever so often. " Are you people gonna keep glancing at me? If so please don't. It's a tad bit annoying."

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