Chapter 9: Birthday Party

Beginne am Anfang

"I heard. I see that Garrett is really growing fond of her."

It's true. Once it was his turn to watch over, he was dumbfounded, he held on to her like he had no idea what he was holding. I was nervous, at first, I didn't trust Garrett. I had to supervise him to make sure nothing happened. He turned to be a natural, he just didn't know it. Harper loved playing with his hair, and playing hide and seek with him.

Suddenly, I hear cars on the driveway. It must be the cousins. I head to the front door to open it. Just before I could, the doorbell rang.

"Surprise!" They all shout. I sh them and let them know that Harper is napping upstairs. They quiet down.

"It's good to see you again Tanya." Carlisle greets.

"I'm glad you're all here. I can't thank you enough." I tell them. Not hiding my excitement.

Emmett walks up to me and gives me a huge bear hug. "Well, why not. It's about time we got to meet the little gal. Plus, Rosalie is just dying to meet her." She sucks in her teeth, and hits him on the arm. "Ah— easy babe, I was just joking." We all laugh, you think by now, he'd know better than to upset Rosalie.

Then, Jasper and Alice walk in. I acted on instinct and embrace Jasper. I thank him for his part in helping me get Harper. "It's no problem, anything for family." I continue to embrace him. I hear a sarcastic cough. It was Alice, sweet, sweet Alice. I hug her as well.

"Edward and Bella send their congratulations. They wanted to stay in Forks for Renesmee's sake" Esme says.

"I'm guessing to also keep an eye on the wolf?" I hear Kate say with a sarcastic. She was back from her hunt.

"Someone decided to be fashionably late for the party." I tell her.

"Well at least one of us is actually ready" I look at her confused, and then I take a look at what I'm wearing. I was a mess! Covered in flour and cake mix! Thankgoodness I already have an attire ready upstairs. It never hurts to be prepared.

"Yes I know, I'll be upstairs getting ready." I hear crying upstairs from Harper's bedroom. She's awake. I rush up to her room and pick her up from her crib, gently rocking to calm her down. I hear whispers from the doorway. It was Alice and Rosalie with Esme. I guess they couldn't wait to meet the newest addition to the coven.

"Ooohh, she is so precious." Rosalie says. She has a wide smile in her face. "Can I hold her?" She then asks. "Ofcourse, be gentle though." I tell her. She gives me a sarcastic look, then proceeds to hold Harper, and rock her. It dawned on me that I had stained her clothes with flour. I was frustrated with myself, but there was no need to panic. I had a dress prepared for her too. The girls giving Harper constant attention. Welcoming her to the family, groveling about how adorable she is. Can't say I blame them. I quickly change and freshen myself up. Now, I'm all set for the party. All that's left is to get Harper ready. Can't start the party without the guest of honor.

 Can't start the party without the guest of honor

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I look at myself in the mirror, and I must say. Not bad. Not bad at all. I hear giggling from the girls in Harper's room. And there she was, my little girl was all all ready for her big day. I can't help but feel unconditional joy. Harper is just perfect. I take her from Rosalie's arms and carry her in mine. I kiss her on the forehead and ask if she's ready for her big day. She loudly giggles and claps her hands together. I'll take that as a yes.

"Looks like the little one is ready to make her entrance

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"Looks like the little one is ready to make her entrance." Esme says.

We all walk down the stairs, and I see that the candles on the cake have been lit. Everyone was gathered around the dining room table. All together we sung the happy birthday song.

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy BIRTHDAY dear Harper

We all cheered to Harper, while she continued on to smile and giggle. I lean her towards the cake and she blows out both of the candles. I wonder what a two year would wish for? Probably a pony, or a puppy.

Harper made a mess of herself with the ccake. It was everywhere! When Rosalie carried her again, Harper rubbed chocolate on her face! We all laughed, Rosalie was not as amused, but what do you expect a child to do when they have cake in their hands?

8 hours later: 9:00 pm

Harper had a great time. How could she not? She had an entire cake all to herself, along with a number of presents. I gave a Harper a bath, and put her to bed after we watched one of the movies Emmett got her. Mulan, I believe it was called. Harper loved the character Mushu, and I must admit, he made me laugh too. Harper slept peacefully in her crib, I watched her sleep, wondering what she could be dreaming about. I look at the gifts that everyone got for her. I feel disappointed in myself, because I didn't think my gift was as good as the others. I made a dream catcher necklace for her. I've read that they were good for bad dreams. I then look at Alice's gift and think to myself, "what could this be for, an accessory or decoration?" It seemed like an odd gift, but I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

I go back downstairs. The cousins were still here. Carlisle comes up to me and asks "Tanya, do you mind if I speak to you for a moment?" This caught me off guard. What would he want to talk to me about? We walk to the living room and sit on the sofa. "Carlisle, what is it?" I ask him, still confused. "Tanya, have you given any thought about Harper's future?" If I wasn't confused before, I certainly was now. "Carlisle, I don't understand. What is this about?" He takes a deep breath. "Tanya, I don't want you to think badly of me when I tell you this." I brace myself for what he was going to say next. If I were still human, my heart would be racing.

"Tanya, I think it's best that you and Harper move out of Alaska?"

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