The adoption Part 2

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Tanya waits anxiously while the attorney takes a second look at the paperwork

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Tanya waits anxiously while the attorney takes a second look at the paperwork.

"Congratulations Ms. Denali. You are now the legal guardian of Harper Heart. All I need is your signature here."

Tanya didn't hesitate, she grabbed a pen and signed her name on the document. She was going to have a baby of her own, and she couldn't be happier. If she were human, she'd be crying tears of joy.

"Thank you so much." She shakes the attorney's hands, gently.

"When will I meet her?" She asks.

"She'll be brought in tomorrow evening, if thats alright with you?"

"Tomorrow will be perfect"

Tanya was more than excited to invite a new member to the family. She drove all the way home, then went straight to the bedroom that'll soon belong to the new bundle of joy. Everyone looked at her with confusion in their eyes, but that didn't matter. Tanya was dedicating the rest of the night preparing Harper's bedroom. It was going to be perfect.

"What's with her?" Garrett asks.

Kate puts her hand on her forehead. She forgot to tell him about the adoption. She puts her hand on top his.

"Tanya adopted a baby, and she's coming tomorrow." She tells him

Garrett's eyes go wide. He was afraid of loosing control around the infant since he had only recently grown used to feeding off of animal blood.  It'll be al lright though... hopefully.

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