Chapter 1 The adoption

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Carmen walks into the room and sits next Tanya while she takes a second look at the adoption papers.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?"  Carmen asks.

Tanya looks at her in disbelief. She'd been planning this for 2 months, she couldn't have been more sure. She then looks back at the papers.

"I'm sure" she responds.

Carmen picks up a photo from the table.

Carmen picks up a photo from the table

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"Is this her?" She asks.

"Yes it is". Tanya smiles with adoration while she looks at the photo of her future adoptive daughter.

"What's her name?"

Tanya takes a deep breath, still smiling. She holds the photo in her hand.

"Her name is Harper. I can't wait to meet her."

Tanya walks out of the room with the papers getting ready to fill them out. 

Carmen can't help but think that maybe Tanya could be rushing into things, but she was afraid to say something. She was not as close to Irina as Tanya was, but the loss was just as devastating. She looked at the photo again thinking "this is a good thing".

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