[ nine ]

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[ nine ] 

The wedding between Oscar and his fiancée would take place in a couple of more months and Neymar was glad for that. With more time on his hands before he would see his friends again, he decided he would try his hardest to show them how much his condition had improved.

April finished her semester at the university and decided to take a year off to be able to care for her daughter once she arrived. The brunette found herself feeling useless at home when she stopped going to school, but moving around was starting to become difficult for her as her belly grew more and more.

She also found that Neymar started speding more and more time away from home. He woke up in the mornings at the crack of dawn and would often return just as she was getting ready for bed.

She thought nothing of it at first, she thought maybe he was being very dedicated with his therapy sessions. But she began to suspect something else was going on when she noticed he was displaying suspicious behavior.

On one particular day, they sat at dinner together. It was one of the few times he had actually arrived home early.

April tried to make conversation with him, but negative thoughts ate at her. She wanted nothing more than to know what was going on, why he was being secretive, but she was too afraid to ask. She knew the two had agreed this would be their last chance at making their relationship work. She didn't want to lose him, especially because of their unborn daughter. April didn't want little Azul to grow up in two households. But she didn't want to think that way. And she concluded that whatever it was, they would work it out in the end.

The brown eyed girl opened her mouth to speak when she was interrupted by the ringing of her boyfriend's cellphone. He quickly pulled it out of his pocket, chekced the caller ID and hit the ignore button.

She eyed him with suspicion and when he caught her watching him, he shot her a nervous smile.

"Is something wrong, Ney?" April asked him innocently.

Neymar scratched the back of his head and laughed nervously, shaking his head. "No, meu amor. Everything's fine."

The rest of their dinner went by without a word. But now there was no doubt in April's mind. There was something he was hiding from her and she feared the worst. The two went to bed that night with April pretending to fall asleep immediately. She only did it to spy on him. She knew it was bad, that it was better to just confront him about it, but she was too afraid.

It was thrity minutes after she supposedly fell asleep that he stirred beside her. He grabbed his phone off the nightstand and left the room, calling someone when he was out in the hallway.

"Hey..." He whispered, but it was just loud enough for April to hear. "Yeah, she fell asleep. Meet me at the same place where we always meet." He told the person on the other line. He returned to the room and changed into a pair of jeans and a shirt. Leaning over the edge of the bed, he kissed his girlfriend's forehead tenderly and raced out of the house.

The moment she heard his car leave the driveway, she opened her eyes. The time on the clock read half past midnight. 

April wondered what he could possibly be doing being out at that time.

What she did know was that wouldn't be around to find out. She was tired of all his sneaking around and secretive behavior. Her mind told her he probably had someone else, while her heart begged her to trust him.

She climbed out of bed and rushed to her closet. The twenty year old packed her suitcase and searched on her phone for a hotel to stay in at least until morning. Then she would return to the United States with her family. April wasn't going to tolerate an infidelity, especially not when she was about to give him his first daughter. Now she felt like he didn't deserve Azul.

April was on the way out when he returned an hour later. 

He saw the suitcase hanging by her side and the smile that had been playing on his lips dropped down into a frown. "Where are you going?" He asked her. But his eyes told her something else. They asked; why are you leaving me? 

"I thought we could make this work, Neymar." She told him, her voice quickly choking up. "But you're keeping things from me."

"Keeping what?" He asked, playing dumb.

But April cut right to the chase. She was so heart broken and upset that she didn't feel like beating around the bush. "Are you seeing someone else?"

"No." He swore.

"Then what's going on?" She asked another question. "I've noticed the way you get back home very late. You get these mysterious phone calls and you leave in the middle of the night while I fall asleep. If you don't want me anymore I can leave. Just because we're going to have a daughter together doesn't mean you're stuck with me for the rest of your life." She told him, tears pooling up in her brown eyes.

"How can you say those things, meu amor?" He asked, taking a step towards her. His hand reached out to caress her face softly. His eyes showed a hurt within them. He couldn't believe she thought he didn't want to be with her anymore. "I love you."

"How much do you love me?" She bit her lip in worry.

"With all my heart." He assured her. "I'll tell you what I've been doing if you'll stay..."



i know i haven't updated this story in forever. the reason for that was that this chapter was going to feature oscar's wedding.

but instead i pushed it back to make it chapter eleven, the chapter right before the epilogue.

the reason for that is that for those of you reading 'catfished' and 'america' i didn't want to kill it and give away information that won't be on there until later.

but yeah.

secretive neymar.

wonder what his secret is.

i will post the next part in 2-3 days.

anyway, thank you for reading. it means a lot to me.

i love you.

edit: idk if you guys could see the second page. i couldn't see it on my phone. i woul have fixed it sooner. but the power was off in my neighbrohood all night because the electric company was making some upgrades.

-clary xx

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