[ one ]

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April insisted in being allowed inside his hospital room after it had taken so much effort to even find the hospital he was taken to. But the nurses told her she had to stay in the waiting room unless she was a family member.

She waited several hours before she saw a doctor. 

Shooting up from her seat like a flash, she called to him desperately, "Doctor, doctor please." She grabbed onto his arm to stop him just as he was about to rush past her.

"I have patients to attend, ma'am." The man told her in Portugese, trying to pull his arm out of her grip.

"I just want to know how Neymar is doing." She cried. "My name is April Estiano and he's my b--well, we're in love. And I need to see him."

"You'll have to wait, ma'am." He sighed in frustration. "We're performing some tests on him to determine what exactly the problem is. In the mean time we have administered some painkillers, so you have nothing to worry about. He isn't in any pain currently. I'll have a nurse let you know when you can see him."

With that, the doctor walked away and April returned to her seat in the waiting room.





Though they gave him painkillers, they weren't doing much to help him. He felt everything, but no sound would leave his mouth as he was wheeled from room to room, getting different tests done. They eventually took him into one of the hospital rooms where a few nurses hooked him up to the IV before rushing off to help the next person.

Neymar couldn't believe how painful his injury had been. 

He didn't know how long he had been waiting there alone when he heard April's voice in the hallway. Her voice was shaken and worried. She was asking someone about him, probably the doctor. "Is he okay?" She cried.

He thought they would come into the room, but they remained in the hallway. "I need to talk to you and the family in private. Since you're the young man's girlfriend, I was hoping you could call them and let them know where he is."

"But I don't know their phone numbers." April admitted. As an idea came to her, she said, "Look, I'll find a way to contact them. But please do everything you can to help him."

"That was what I wanted to talk about." The doctor began with a sigh. Neymar's stomach churned. No matter what the news was, he assumed it wasn't good. The doctor continued, "The test results show a fractured vertebra, the third vertebra in the lumbar region of his back. The impact was so severe that he will require immediate surgery. The operating room is being prepared as we speak. But, despite the surgery, there is a chance he will never walk again."

April gasped. 

When she broke out into silent tears, the doctor added, "You and his family will need to show him all the love and support you have for him. He's really going to need it, especially after today."

"What do you mean?" The brunette with tear soaked eyes asked, fearing the worst.

"The operation will ensure that he will be able to walk and stand like he used to. But..." He paused for a moment, as if thinking for the best way to word what he would say next. "His back won't be strong enough to stand for long periods of time, let alone be able to stand long enough to play on a football pitch. He will never play football again."

She suddenly broke out into sobs and the news made Neymar's life crumble around him. April knew how much football meant to Neymar, as much as it meant to any athlete with their respective sport. She was sure not being able to play anymore would be more painful than the injury itself.

He will never play football again.

The doctor's words echoed over and over in Neymar's mind.

His eyes filled up with tears that soon escaped his eyes. He couldn't believe how quickly his career had ended.

It was the end of his dream.

The end of a young football legend.

And now he had nothing more to do but lament his loss.


chapter one is finally up.


i was going to wait a few more days before writing the first chapter. but i wanted to update 'catfished' as well and the chapter included important information about this story. so i have to update this one first before i update the other one.

i hate that its so short though. i wanted it to be longer, but oh well.

sorry my knowledge of anatomy isn't so extensive in the sense that i would know which operations would fix these sort of back problems.

but i'm reading an article with good information related to that so i hope that helps me.

anyway, i hope you all enjoy the update. although its pretty sad so i don't really want to say 'enjoy'. neymar is in pain.

might never walk again.

oh no.

thank you for reading.

i love you.

-clary xx

April || neymarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora