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four years later -- world cup final in russia.


April was practically biting on her nails nervously as she watched the football roll back and forth between the two teams on the pitch. She was sat in the front row, separated from the pitch by a couple of borders. With her were her two children; three year old Azul and five month old Diego. Carolina had been invited to attend as well because she was taking care of Davi Lucca.

It was the world cup final in Russia. Neymar was twenty-six years old now and had been captain for about three years.

The Germans were good, they had gotten to the final, but April wanted nothing more than to see Brazil victorious. She didn't want to see her husband suffer once again, especially after he had worked so hard to get where he was now.

It was a tense game on both sides, but when the ninety minutes were up, and a few minutes of extra time were added, it was clear this would end up in penalties. And that was exactly what happened after two sets of fifteen minutes were played. April watched her husband on the pitch in worry. The doctors had told him he wouldn't be able to play longer than fifty minutes without experiencing severe pain, but it looked like he was ignoring it. It was the final and he wanted to be there until the very end.

April could only imagine the pain he was feeling.

Their coach gave them a pep talk that seemed to get them inspired because all of them were smiling. On the German side April could see they were also determined to win, and being one of the best national teams in the world, she expected no less from them.

From what April knew about taking penalties, each team would chose their two best to go first and last. April was sure Neymar would probably go last.

And she was right.

A youngster named Eder would go first, followed by Marcelo, David Luiz, another youngster named Anderson, and lastly Neymar. On the German side, Mueller, Volland, Kroos, Kruse, and lastly Goetze.

Eder went first.

The ball found the back of the net. 

Mueller was next.

April found herself hoping he would miss. He didn't.

Marcelo walked up to take the penalty.

When he missed, April felt the dreams of millions shatter in one blow. All that was left for them now was to hope the Germans missed two penalties. But the chances of that were small. Missing one penalty was already unlikely, missing two would have been a miracle for the Brazilian team. It was known all over the world that the German team was lethal when it came to penalties.

And it was just what happened when Volland took a penalty kick.

He missed.

David Luiz, as well as Kroos, were the next two to score their penalties. While Brazil's Anderson missed his chance when he sent the football flying over the cross bar. And the next penalty was in the hands of Kruse.

He missed and the Brazilian side felt the trophy was practically in their hands. 

Neymar took a shot and the ball hit the back of the net. The German side all looked to Goetze. He was the man who could give them the victory, just as he had four years earlier against Argentina. The twenty-six year old took a shot. April could feel herself as well as everyone else suck in a breath. Half of them because they wanted the ball to go in, the other half because they wanted him to miss.

The crowd broke out into cries as well as cheers when the young German missed the penalty that would have kept his country in the game. 

From the bench, April saw the Brazilians run onto the field. Some of them dropped to the floor, thanking God. The German team broke out in tears as well, but for having lost the chance of a second world cup victory in a row.

They let the team have their moments of glory on the field before they allowed family on. April picked up her son Diego in one arm, held Azul's hand with her free one, and led them down the steps to where her husband was. Neymar was laid out in the grass on his back, looking up to the heavens. April was sure he could hardly even move due to the pain.

He sat up, wincing in pain when he saw his family. Azul jumped into his arms, as well as Davi who were both proud of their dad.

April sat down next to him and pecked him on the lips. "Congratulations, campeão." She grinned. "You are living proof that one can do anything if they want it bad enough. You were told you would never play football again, but here you are, giving your country a sixth world cup title."

"I owe it all to you." Neymar told her. "You always believed in me. And this win is for you, meu amor. Thank you for never leaving my side."

April smiled at him. "I could never leave you. I love you."

"How much do you love me?" He quirked an eyebrow at her playfully.

"With all my heart." She replied.

 the end.


the story is finally over :o

thank you all so much for reading, my lovelies.

i might upload my erik durm story tomorrow. the first book is called 'arabella' and the second one is called 'roses'. 

either that or i will upload a very short, seven chapter cristiano ronaldo story.

or a chicharito one.


so many stories, so little time.

anyway, thank you for all your support. i hope you all enjoyed reading this story as much as i enjoyed writing it.

i love you.

-clary xx

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