„My home is my house. It's yellow and has flowers in the front yard, just like in the picture. I live in it with my dad, his name is Fred. And yeah that's my home", Archie exclaimed. Well it wasn't the best, but I wasn't the one to judge. Knowing it's my turn, I went into the front of the class. I showed them my picture and started talking. „So you're probably now wondering, why my house is all gray and black. Well, I just recently got adopted, so I don't really see the house in what I live as my home. But the moment I came into the house the first time, there was this boy, he understood me right from the beginning. Ever since he made me always feel safe when I was around him and he also always comforts me and makes me happy when I'm sad and that's why I see him as my home. His name is Jughead and most people think that we're siblings because we have the same last name, but we're actually not. Well, for me he is like a best friend but more, he's the one person in the world who knows me better than anyone else, someone who makes me a better person. Actually he doesn't, I do it myself, but he inspires me to do it. And well, my house is all black and gray, because that are his favorite colors", I said, making everyone look at me confused, probably because the others didn't get it and because the teacher didn't expect me to be that smart. They applauded and I went back to where I sat before.

|| Alice ||
I was just sat on the couch, watching friends. I always thought Ben was so cute. He reminded me a lot of Jug, just that Jug has dark hair and Ben has blonde. Then out of nowhere my phone started ringing. It was some unknown number, but I didn't think much and picked it up. „Hello Riverdale Elementary School, am I speaking with Miss Alice Smith?", I heard the voice say. Why would the school call me? „Yeah that's me", I answered, still confused about what they wanted. „It's about your kids. Is there any possibility that you could come into school in the next half hour?", the voice questioned. „Y-yeah of course, I'm on my way", I replied, now scared that something happened to either Betty or Jug, or both. What if they were hurt? I took a deep breath, trying to ignore my negative thoughts, put my shoes and coat on and made my way into my car, with what I drove to the one and only Riverdale Elementary School. When I arrived, I was about to enter the school, but in that exact moment, I saw the kids, all happy playing on the schoolyard. „Mom what are you doing here?", I heard Betty ask as they walked towards me. „The school called me, they wanted to talk to me. I thought it was because something happened to you guys, but as I can see y'all are just fine", I explained chuckling. They nodded and went back to playing as I entered the school. I made my way into the secretary's office and immediately asked the lady why they wanted to talk to me. She told me, that the principal wanted to talk to me and that I should go into the principals office, and so I did. „Oh Miss Smith, glad you could make it, please take a seat", I heard the principal tell me as I entered his office. I took a seat and asked him what he wanted to talk about. „Well, I'm sorry to tell you, but you're kids are too smart" he exclaimed, leaving me confused. „What is that supposed to mean?", I questioned, slightly confused. I mean yeah they're smart, but why would that be a bad thing. „Well, when they were asked to describe what home is for them, they both described each other. Yeah they did comply the task, but Miss Smith, that sounds like something a high school couple would do and not two first graders. And well, I'm uhh really sorry to tell you, but you're kids can't attend this class, it wouldn't be fair towards the other kids", he told me. What the hell? I mean he was right, it doesn't sound like something first graders would do, but come on it's Betty and Jug. They sleep in the same bed, they do everything together and they even read Romeo & Juliet that many times, that by now they should know it by heart. „And what are they supposed to do?? They need to attend school", I asked, slightly pissed off. „Well, there are two options. They could either skip first grade and go directly into the second or they need to be home schooled", he stated, fully convinced of himself. And in that moment I knew, why I hated school that much. Like what the hell, how are they supposed to just skip first grade, it's their first year, it's like the most important. „And there is nothing else than that?", I asked, hoping there is. „No I'm sorry Miss, well what would you like to do?", he wanted to know. „Well, what am I supposed to do? We don't have the money to home school them, so I guess they are going to skip first grade then", I sighed.

„Hey, where have you been?", I heard Fp ask as I walked through the door. „Riverdale Elementary School. Apparently our kids are too smart and need to skip first grade", I told him with a kinda annoyed voice. „Are they stupid? It's like the most important year", he sighed, now as annoyed as I am. „That's exactly what I thought, but well the only other option would be to home school them, but we clearly don't have the money so I agreed to them skipping first grade", I replied. He sighed,"what happened anyways?". „They were asked to describe what home is for each other and they described each other. The principal read Betty's text to me,"So you're probably now wondering, why my house is all gray and black. Well, I just recently got adopted, so I don't really see the house in what I live as my home. But the moment I came into the house the first time, there was this boy, he understood me right from the beginning. Ever since he made me always feel safe when I was around him and he also always comforts me and makes me happy when I'm sad and that's why I see him as my home. His name is Jughead and most people think that we're siblings because we have the same last name, but we're actually not. Well, for me he is like a best friend but more, he's the one person in the world who knows me better than anyone else, someone who makes me a better person. Actually he doesn't, I do it myself, but he inspires me to do it. And well, my house is all black and gray, because that are his favorite colors", I explained. „They really are in love, aren't they?", he laughed at what I just told him. „Seems like it", I just said, laughing as well. „Speaking of which, where are they?", he then questioned. „Playground", I just answered.

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