«Chapter 7»

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Safety. The state of being safe from harm or danger.


|| Fp ||

Jug and Betty were outside for quiet a long time now and for Jug that wasn't usual at all. If he ever went out, he'd come back like five minutes after. Knowing Jug, he wouldn't be outside for longer than half an hour and since Betty basically was a copy of him, she wouldn't either. It was odd. They've been out for almost one and a half hours and I seriously got worried. ‚What if they got kidnapped?' My thoughts kept getting worse and worse every second. „Penny for your thoughts", Alice then said, tearing me out of them. I shook my head and took a deep breath. ‚Calm down, nothing happened!', I tried telling me. „Oh uhm, don't you think it's weird that the kids are out for that long?", I asked slightly concerned about the two beanie wearing kids. I just hoped they were okay. Alice looked at me weirdly and laughed. „Fp, they've been out for one and a half hours, I don't think anything happened. They probably just got lost in time and are living their best lives. Stop worrying and enjoy the fact that he's actually outside", she stated, convinced that the kids were just fine. And I mean, she probably was right and I was just being paranoid, but I was still worried. „Don't you think it's oddly quiet? I mean Al, we have a playground almost right in front of our door and the last time I checked, playing children make a lot of noise", I exclaimed, worrying even more. „Oh come on, your just being paranoid. I'm sure if I look right through the window..", Alice started and looked out of the window ‚"The kids are gone Fp!", she then finished anxiously. And in that exact moment, my heart stood still. I rushed to the door, put my new Dr.Martens ( N/A I have no idea why that information should be important, but here we go ) on and left. Alice probably followed me, but I didn't bother looking because it didn't matter to me. All that mattered in that moment, were my two beanie wearing weirdos. I searched the playground, but without any success. The kids weren't there. „Jug? Betty?", I yelled panicking, hoping that either the raven haired boy or the blonde princess would answer. But again, I didn't get a response. I was about to walk back to the house, when I found pieces of what once was a tiny, light pink beanie, which belonged to a tiny little girl. I started panicking even more. Thoughts like ‚What happened?' ‚Are they hurt?' and ‚What if they got kidnapped?' kept going through my mind. Those thoughts were driving me crazy. „Jug? Betty?", I yelled once again, hoping that maybe this time I'll get a response. And indeed, I got one. It was the familiar voice of a little beanie wearing boy, who didn't speak much, but when he needed to, he did. „Dad, we're here", I heard his quiet voice saying. I turned around and there he was sat, on a park bench with the little girl in his arms. I sighed relieved, and started walking in their direction. „Are you guys okay, what happened?", I asked softly, once I got to where they were sitting. The little boy sighed, looking at his best friend, lying in his arms, wearing his beanie. „I am, but she isn't. We were just about to go swinging, when Archie came up to us and started harassing us. At first it was just Archie being Archie, but then he took her beanie and ripped it in pieces. He was about to take mine too, but then his cousin Katie came up to us and helped us. Then they all went home and Betty started crying. I put my beanie on her and told her that we could share it. Then she fell asleep and now we're here", he explained. Hearing that, my blood started boiling. Archie's parents knew very well, what their kid did to mine, but they wouldn't do anything about it. Well his mother couldn't really do anything, since she lived in Chicago, but his dad could. How could someone be that irresponsible as a dad? „I'm gonna kill Fred Andrews", I mumbled quietly, hoping Jug wouldn't hear it, but he did. „No dad! The last time you went to his dad as well, and now Betty's beanie is ripped in pieces. The often you go to his dad, the more he'll harass us. We're going to get through it, but alone", my boy demanded. I sighed deeply and nodded.

„How is she?", I questioned, as I heard my best friend walking down the stairs. I turned around and saw her standing there with a tear-stained face. I immediately walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. „Hey, what's up?", I asked her with the softest voice possible, still hugging her. She sighed and a few more tears flowed down her cheeks. „She asked me if we'd give her back, if she doesn't listen to us. Fp, what kid asks that it's parents?", she cried out. I hugged her even tighter, trying to comfort her. After all that Betty went through, she was broken, really broken. And seeing Betty like that, broke Alice. „A kids who's parents gave it away because it wasn't listening to them. Al she's broken, really broken, but so is Jug and they're gonna get through it, it will get better. I promise", I told her, trying to make her stop crying. I hated seeing her like that, so I always tried everything possible to make her feel better. She nodded and just as we were about to pull away, we heard the little girl crying. (N/A just in case you didn't get it, there was a time jump lmao)

|| Third Person ||

The middle aged woman went upstairs, to look after her blonde, crying princess. „Hey, baby what's up?", she asked with a soft voice. The little girl, though, just kept crying. Her obviously concerned mother carefully sat on the edge of her bed and pulled her into a tight hug. „I need Juggie", she cried into her mother's arms. „Baby Juggie is asleep", the blonde woman replied as she hugged her daughter even tighter. „Juggie is so not asleep", the middle aged man then chuckled, entering the door with his six year old son walking behind him. „Let me guess, he needed Betty?", Alice laughed as she turned around. „His exact words were ‚I'm not gonna sleep until I'm holding Betty in my arms' ",the raven haired man laughed. „Well then Jug, go and get your girl", the blonde haired woman laughed, standing up and walking to her best friend. And the little boy, didn't need to be told twice, he immediately jumped on his best friend's bed and hugged her tightly. „We will tolerate you sleeping in the same bed as long as you sleep at night. And now you definitely need to sleep because tomorrow is your first day of school guys", Fp exclaimed, closing the door, leaving the two best friends alone.

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