09: Possession

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▂▃▅▇█▓▒░ St

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▂▃▅▇█▓▒░ St. Bangtan ░▒▓█▇▅▃▂

Laying back on my bed, looking at the bland ceiling surrounded by brick walls, I sat and contemplated my dreams last night. Dreaming was something that I never did, so this was particularly out of the ordinary. While I was asleep, it eerily felt like I was awake. Almost like a lucid dream, but not quite; as if I was possessing somebody else's body. The actions and the thoughts of that body weren't mine, leaving me as a spectator as I watched a life unfold that didn't belong to me, but felt all too familiar.

As I watched, occupying the headspace of this stranger's life, I recognized some of the faces. Others, I didn't. Emotions that didn't belong to me felt so real as I shared thoughts with this person, who I had some incredibly unrealistic tie to.

I couldn't help but wonder, was this the life I would have had if darkness and the mundane didn't take over the entirety of my soul? It seemed like such a nice, care-free life, the hypothetical me enjoying my life and the people in it.

I wondered if that version of me struggled with depression, anxiety, or was a psychopath, like me. Like the real me. Has that man ever thought of killing somebody? Did he feel aroused by things other than death? These were all thoughts that have never crossed my mind before.

Perhaps now, I was the one being possessed.

▂▃▅▇█▓▒░ Euni ░▒▓█▇▅▃▂

Taehyung walked me to the door of the apartment I shared with Hoseok and Yoongi, his hand on the small of my back as he guided me. The moment he had put his hand there, the spot tingled with nerves. It was crazy how being around him made me forget everything else in the world; work, home, Yoongi. When I was with him, it was only him, but reality would come crashing down on me as soon as he left and I walked in that door.

"When do I get to see you again?" I immediately asked as we arrived at my door, worried that it would be days until I heard from him again.

"Miss me already, huh?" half of his mouth pulled up into a smirk, causing me to blush and avert my gaze. He noticed right away, and cupped my chin, pulling my gaze up to meet his, "You don't gotta be nervous around me, sugar." I wasn't sure how to respond to that, so I just kept staring back at him. How did he leave me speechless so easily?

Still holding my chin, he lowered his head so that his lips would meet mine. His kiss captivated me just as his presence did, and I felt like I was floating. Just like every time he kissed me, I never wanted it to end, but it always seemed to last only half a second before his lips disappeared.

"So is that a 'soon'?" I asked again, still wanting my answer. He let out a small chuckle, and scrunched his nose up in thought.

"Tomorrow, maybe. Definitely soon," his words seemed promising but I still didn't know if I could wait that long. "I'm not sure how long I could keep myself away from you," he admitted sheepishly. Unlike me, however, his face didn't turn a cherry red.

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