Part 7 "Official start."

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You searched for Jungkook through the whole school but couldn't find him ANYWHERE. Where could he be? He said he went to school but he isn't there. You decided to go to one of your teachers.

"Hi miss have you seen Jungkook today?"

"No I wanted to ask you since I heard you guys were talking much with each other lately."

"Oh wow, he said he went to school after earlier today.." 

"What happened?"

"Min Yoongi tried to kidnap me again, I guess I'm not that safe anymore."

"Wow yea, I heard he kidnapped you two days ago, are you okay?"

"Yes, I am, I only got a lot of bruises but if I don't think about it anymore it doesn't hurt."

"Oh, I'm sorry for asking." 

"It's alright, anyways I'm going to search for Jungkook, have a great day!"

"You too Y/n!"

Since no one has seen him on school you started to get worried, what if Yoongi kidnapped him instead of you, just to get you there. That would be a smart idea of him but if you were going to get him you're not going alone. Because you were so worried you send him a message.

"Hey Jungkook, you said you went to school but I can't find you anywhere. Where are you? I'm getting worried.." And send. He got online directly after you send it.

"Oh uh, hi Y/n.. I never thought you would message me but.. Yoongi kidnapped me."


"I thought you didn't care about me."


"I'm in his house, Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok, Namjoon and Seokjin are also on their way with police. It looks like he already left but I'm in a room and I can't even see a way out! I don't know how I got here I was knock out!"

"Oh my god Jungkook whyyyy!!!?? I'm coming don't worry!"

Some minutes later when you were on your way to the house you got another message.


You saw the message and started hurrying more. When you reached the house you already saw the door open with 5 different cars on the street. You heard people screaming Jungkooks name and you also went in. Everyone looked at you because they didn't expect you. Jungkook was screaming for help because the water almost reached his head but there were a lot of wood boards on the door. You were so scared to lose him. policemen finally got the planks away and opened the door. Water flowed through the entire house and there was Jungkook, with his legs tied on a chair,  really tight, he couldn't get the tape and stuff away. His eyes closed, hugging himself because he was so scared and he was coughing out water.

"JUNGKOOK!" You screamed and ran to him. He opened his eyes and when he saw you he started to cry.

"Oh my god Y/n why are you here."

"Jungkook don't you dare to say that, I was damn worried!" 


Also the others came in the room asking Jungkook if he was okay. When his legs finally where free he stood up hugged you tight. You both started crying. 

"Alrightttt we're leaving I guess...?" Jimin said.

"Great idea, these two deserve a time alone." Namjoon said.

"True, let's go boys." Taehyung said and they left.

"We also should go home, it's not safe here." You said.

"Yea but..."


"Never mind.." 

"No Kook, tell me."

"Can I stay with you..?"

"Of course you can, let's go to my house that one is closer."


"Cmon don't be shy, you've never been shy."

"I know but it's just... Because you're around, you changed me."

"Changed you? In what kind of way?"

"A good way." He said and picked your hand while kissing you forehead. You blushed and looked away.

"Look who is the shy one now." He said and giggled.

"Hey stop it!" You said and also giggled.

You both walked home and there was an awkward silence but you didn't care about that. When you came home you opened the door and your mother ran up to you and hugged you.


"I was by Jungkook.. I was worried about him."

"Oh alright then, I'm glad you both are safe, why are you both so wet though?"

"Jungkook was tied on a chair in a room which filled with water, when the door opened all the water flowed through the whole house of course."

"Oh my god, do you want to take a shower?"

"No I'm okay miss." He said.

"Great, now I'm going to get you guys some food, go get a blanket."

"Thanks mom." You said. You walked with Jungkook to the living room and got a blanket for you two, you mom came with hot chocolate and a cookie. Jungkook send his parents a message that he was staying at your house and that both of you weren't going to school tomorrow. 

"Y/n again, thanks for coming.. I was so scared you weren't worried."

"Of course I am Kook.. Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know, I thought that because you didn't say my name when I told you that you weren't safe on the streets."

"I was scared to say your name Kook."

"Why? If it because you love me?"


"You can just tell me, you know I'm in love with you too."

"Yea I know but... I was just scared."

"Well do you want to be my girlfriend then?"

"Of course I want to be your girlfriend Kookie!" You came closer and kissed his forehead.

My old friend (Jungkook shortstory)Where stories live. Discover now