Chapter Three: Hear Me (Part 2)

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[POV: You]

I looked at Selozar, confused. Why would Albert throw snow at Selozar like that? Selozar looked at Albert and grinned a little, reaching for a pile of snow. He made the snow into a ball, then threw it back at Albert, hitting him in the chest.

The two laughed at continued to do this. I sat down in the snow, somehow not sinking in. Guess I'm too light? I don't know. I know Alone starves me, but I didn't know that I was this light. Hmm.

"Aura, wanna join?" Albert asked, looking down at me. I looked up and shook my head. I didn't want to accidentally hurt someone. I looked down, feeling sad. I'm always sad, but I feel more sad, knowing I can never be normal and just have fun or be happy.

What even is happiness? Or normality? Whatever they are, I want in.

Albert sat next to me, sinking into the snow. Selozar sat on the opposite side. The three of us stared at the sky, silently. Then, Albert broke the silence. "Aura, how old are you?" He asked me. I didn't know how to answer. I just looked at him. "Show me with your fingers or something. We have to communicate somehow."

I was confused. What do you mean 'with my fingers'? I tilt my head in confusion. He then raised his hands up and counted with his fingers. Then I knew what he meant.

I raised mine and counted silently to 19.

"19? Wow. I'm 23! Four years apart. We're not that far apart. What about you, Selozar?" The two of us looked at Selozar, expecting an answer. Instead, we found he was gazing upon something else. Or someone else. I look at Albert, who was as confused as me, except ten times more. Then, I follow Selozar's gaze.

I look up behind me and see AloneTraveler standing with his arms crossed. I immediately stand up and bow slightly to him. Immediately, I think, "Master, I-"

Alone cut me off with a rage-filled voice. "QUIET." He grabbed me and Selozar by the collars and yelled in our faces, "WHAT DID YOU SHOW HIM? WHAT DID YOU SAY?"

I felt my lip quiver in fear, and in the corner of my eye, I saw Selozar, looking panicked and fearful, as his eyes teared up. I can't stand seeing him like this.

Then I heard Albert speak up. "Nothing, Alone, we were just playing." He looked at me and Selozar in worry and concern. I liked the fact that he was trying to help us.

But it wasn't enough to stop AloneTraveler's rage. "Quiet, THEY MUST BE PUNISHED." He dropped me and Selozar to the ground and Selozar scurried backwards, hoping to be saved by Albert. I, however, stood up and bowed my head, anxiously awaiting my punishment.

"You now suffer infinite pain, Aura, Selozar. Go to rooms, now. Never come out." Alone pointed to the house that I dreaded living in. I didn't want to go in though. I felt trapped here. But I felt, well, free with Albert and Selozar. I wanted to be free.

I looked back to see Albert, who looked at me with sad, concerning eyes. Selozar awaited my being, so we could walk together. But I wouldn't listen to Alone, no, not this time.

Not ever again.

[POV: omniscient]

AloneTraveler stood impatiently, waiting for Aura, or (y/n), and Selozar to walk inside so he could deal with Albert. He crossed his arms and said in a demanding voice, "Inside, NOW!"

(Y/n) stomped her foot into the ground, hearing the crunch of the snow. "No!"

AloneTraveler was taken back a bit, quite surprised that she yelled. Or that she just spoke in general. Albert and Selozar watched in awe and curiosity.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened and raised a hand to her throat. "I can talk?" She thought to herself. She shook it off and continued to fight her master. "...No more." Her voice was cracks and raspy, since, well, she's never used it before. Well, for as long as she can remember, which is a year back.

AloneTraveler grabbed his sword and raised it to her. "Just because you talk now no change thing. You want more pain? Obey me, yes, yes."

(Y/n) looked down, clenching her fists. She was getting angry, and she felt the power surge again. She bit her lip and tried to contain it, but emotion was getting the best of her, a white smoke radiated from her fists and (y/n) mumbled something that no one could hear.

"What say?" AloneTraveler asked, demanding a response.

(Y/n)'s entire body began to give off the white effect, and she whispered, in tears, "Hear me."

She's been training for many things, and combat was one of them. She dashed to the side and punched AloneTraveler, the white smoke seemed to seep into his skin, leaving his veins white for a moment. Once they faded, so did his consciousness. He passed out onto the snowy ground, dropping his sword besides him.

Save Me (Albert x Myth! Female Reader x Selozar)Where stories live. Discover now