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I came home from a long day of school and went on my phone. When I turned it on, there were 3 missed calls. It was from my ex, Spencer. Oh my god. I decided not to answer any of his calls, but then, he sent me a message saying 'I want to get back together' like bish nah, you were clingy. But he was a nice guy an all, but still.

He would want to hang out with me every single breaktime and lunchtime, when, clearly, I want to sometimes hang out with my friends. And he kept pestering me to date him. I felt like that anyways. So basically, I fount out he was clingy because this is basically what happened.

I was waiting for my older brother (Who's called Joe) at the school gates. I told him to go home but he wouldn't, I kept telling him to go. Again, he wouldn't. I asked "why?" He said "you know why" I said "Just tell me why" He said "Because I love you" OK bish just because you love me, doesn't mean you have to wait with me like I'm 3. In fact, if he loved me, he should respect that I wanted to wait for my brother ON MY OWN! Without anyone waiting with me.

We weren't together for long, we were together since '11th March to 20th March' and to be honest, I wasn't ready for a relationship at that time, but now, I am.

I told the whole situation to Liam.

"Damn, he was a bit creepy" Liam said furrowing his eyebrows.

I started to think about what to ask Liam. "Liam, if you were Spencer and I told you to leave, what would you do, do what Spencer did or leave.

Liam started to think." I would leave, respect your privacy. Well, it depends really"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"If there were some paedophile or drug dealer, then no. But if I thought you were safe, then yes"

Liam does have a point. But I was just waiting for my brother.

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