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Klaus was nervous, just yesterday he swore to himself that he would not see her anymore but the ache in his heart grew by the minute, he longs for her. So much. He gripped the sun pendant that hangs on his neck, he was scared.

Before coming here, he prepared himself for what might come, for what she might say. He even imagined her rejecting him but all he felt was his heart aching even more, if it was possible.

He already told Elijah everything, all that happened and how it happened. He didn't bother to leave out the fact that he and Areaia gave themselves to ine another. They have been together, intimately.

When he brought this to Elijah his older brother adviced him of what can come, children. He was strucked, he had imagined having children with her. He loves her, he wants to grow old with her, he dreamt about what they're family and their home would be like.

But it still surprised him that his mind was able to skip the possibility of her bearing his child, it was indeed possible. Another reason which is why he is coming to see her, he needs to be certain.

He was not ready but he was willing to listen what she has to say, a huge part of him hopes that he is the wrong one, that perhaps the man was a distant relative of hers.

His heart was pounding as he made his way to her cottage, the weather seems nice. The sun was shining and the window was softly blowing. He hoped this would be a good sign of what is to come.

He stood in front of her wooden door and before he can knock, she the door opened revealing Areaia. Klaus took her appearance in, he was disappointed and hurt, she looked so beautiful, her red dress clung to her figure perfectly and it was clear that she was never bothered that he did not come back to her.

She did not miss him. Klaus hoped that she might look miserable like him. Between the two, it was obvious that he's the only one in love. He could not eat and sleep properly because of their separation and his siblings needed to force him but her, she looked glowing and even more beautiful if it was possible.

They stood their staring at each other, he wants to speak, to tell her what he saw and how hurt he felt but words wouldn't come out, he was frozen.

Finally, she spoke.

"Why did you come?" Her voice was soft but he can feel the coldness in them. His heart shattered more.

Klaus gulped, he didn't know what to say. He don't know how to tell her that he was a coward nor that he saw her with a man just after a day they've become intimate.

"I-I saw-" He started but she held her hand up to stop him.

"Come inside." She said opening the door for him to come in. He went inside, his eyes searching everywhere, for any signs of the man he saw with her. He found none.

"He's not here." Areaia claimed. Klaus stared at her, he didn't know what to say now. She just claimed that there was a man, a man she was with.

Klaus don't know what hurts more, the fact that she was and still is with the man or the fact that he was right.

"I know what you're thinking, he's my brother." She said.

He was shocked, she did live alone and she didn't say that she had any siblings but then again, she never told him she had none either.

Areaia continued to stare at him but he stayed quiet processing everything she said. Finally, she speak up again.

"I know what you're thinking, he is not nor he will ever be my lover. I thought I made it clear that you're the only one for me when I swore myself to you." She stared at him calculatingly.

Klaus felt his blood rush to his cheeks and up to his ears, as he remembered their night together. He may have been hurt and sulking but it doesn't mean that he forgot everything that happened between them. In fact, it was what kept him going through the past few weeks he avoided seeing her.

Finally, she spoke. Breaking the silence between them.

"Niklaus, I love you." She put her hands on the side of his face, locking eyes with him.

Klaus stared in to her eyes, feeling lost. Her face gave everything away; sadness, worry, nervousness, need, and love. All for him.

"I-I'm sorry, I love you my darling Areaia. I love you more than anything." He managed to choke out before pulling her lips to his.

His eyes fluttered shut, all he can think about is Areaia, that she loves him and that she is back. To him, to his arms. Where she rightfully belongs, forever until the day they both decease.

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