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Before your trip, you and Arthur had agreed on having dinner with the other countries in order to bond before the meeting the next day. It was planned that everyone would be in the lobby to wait for the taxis that would take them to the restaurant in about thirty minutes, so before you got ready you talked with Arthur.

Before the trip, you and Arthur went shopping for some new clothes for the meeting, dinner and the rest of the week.

"How come it's a whole week? Isn't it just the meeting?"

"Some of the other lads like to sightsee and visit attractions, along with the other tourist things while they're visiting the country, so we book the hotel for longer."

"I guess that makes sense."

"Well, I'll be going for now. I'll see you later in the lobby along with Feliciano and Ludwig, so try to look out for us. Kiku may be joining us, too, so look out for him." Arthur said as he walked towards your hotel door.

"Um, which one's Kiku again?" You asked sheepishly. It was a bit hard to remember who was who.

"Kiku is Japan's regular name. He's fairly short with brown eyes and black hair. He's basically your typical Japanese man."

You thanked him as he walked out of the room to his own. You looked down at your suitcase, trying to figure out which outfit to wear to the dinner. You finally decided to wear a black skater skirt with a nice tank top along with a cardigan on top. 

After you put it on, you did your makeup, fixed up your hair, grabbed everything you needed and left your room.

As you made your way through the hallway, you saw a fairly short, black-haired man waiting for the elevator. He was fairly well-dressed, so you assumed that he, too, was going to the dinner. You walked over to beside him and waited until the elevator doors opened. As you both stood in the elevator, you decided that it would be best to start up some small talk.

"So are you going to the dinner, too?" You asked, smiling.

"Hm? Oh, ええ(Yeah). I assume you will be attending, too?"

You nodded in response. "I'm a bit nervous, though. This is my first meeting after all." The man looked at you for a few seconds. "Wait a minute." He said as he tilted his head to the side. 

"Are you (Y/n)? Feliciano and Ludwig have told me about you. They say you met on the plane ride?"

"Yeah, are you Kiku? Arthur told me about you earlier."

"Yes, actually. You're friends with Arthur? Nice, so am I." You both smiled at each other as the doors opened, revealing multiple people chatting, laughing and hugging each other in the lobby. You both walked out and made your way through the crowd, trying not to bump into anyone. All of a sudden, you bumped into a person walking by. "Oops, sorry aboot that." You looked up and saw Matthew, right in front of you. "Oh hey, Matthew! I wonder why we keep bumping into each other, quite literally speaking." You both chuckled for a bit but you stopped when you realized something. "Hey Matthew?" You said with a puzzled face. "Yeah?"

"Where's Kuma?"

"Wait, WHAT?"

"Hold on, did you lose him again?!?" You asked, worried.
Matthew began to look around frantically, then he stopped and started laughing.

"What's so funny?" You asked.

"I'm just kidding. He's in my room, sleeping. I put a 'Do Not Disturb' card on the handle so housekeeping doesn't come by." He said while giggling quietly.

You let out a sigh of relief that Kumajiro didn't go missing again. You both kind of just stood there talking for a bit when you realized that Arthur was probably waiting for you, along with Feli, Ludwig and Kiku. 

"Oh crap! I nearly forgot about Arthur! Sorry, Matthew, I Gotta go meet up with him!" You said as you walked away quickly. "Oh-okay. See you later, (Y/n)..."

You made your way through the crowd, looking for Arthur, Kiku, Ludwig and Feli, when all of a sudden you hear:



You follow from where the scream came from, only to see Feli in Ludwig's arms, Shaggy and Scooby-Doo style while crying. You move towards Arthur and ask him what happened. 

"Apparently there was a bug on the floor but Hungary killed it, which caused Feliciano to scream." You could hear the disappointment in Arthur's voice while he spoke.

After a few minutes of waiting in the lobby, the taxis finally came and everyone got into each one in groups of four. When you got to dinner, you learned that Matthew was in a car with a group known as the "B.T.T." a group consisting of three men named Francis, Antonio and Gilbert. 

For the rest of the night, Feliciano literally clung to Ludwig, almost falling out of his chair each time the German stood up. You managed to meet multiple other countries such as Austria, Hungary, Russia, France, China, Prussia, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Spain. When you met Alfred, you thought he was Matthew at first, but you then noticed that he was way too loud and crazy to be Mattie.

Everyone then went back to the hotel and returned to their rooms, but some stayed in some recreational areas to converse with each other. You and Matthew went down to the bar to chat before the next day.

"Do you have any tips for "surviving" tomorrow?" You chuckled as you sipped on your drink. "Well one of them is to bring a flask," Matthew said before you both burst out of laughter. You then both continued talking, drinking and laughing until you both decided that it would be best to go back to your rooms and sleep.

You both said your "good night"s to each other and split to go to your rooms. As you closed your door, you began to think about your day. The people you've met. You then got into your pyjamas and went to bed, hoping the next day will be just as exciting as the last.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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