Enters Toya Bakugo!

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"Suki-chan!!" The rhythmic sound of shoes hitting the concrete suddenly ended on a grunt, causing an ash blonde boy with striking red eyes to peer over his shoulder

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"Suki-chan!!" The rhythmic sound of shoes hitting the concrete suddenly ended on a grunt, causing an ash blonde boy with striking red eyes to peer over his shoulder.

"Toya, I told you to stop calling me that, tch." The ash blonde stopped while a boy with pale blonde hair got to his feet, pushing his glasses up to look at Katsuki Bakugo with tear-filled pale blues.

"But Suki..." At the sniffle the boy gave instantly Katsuki gave another 'tch' and began to head for the large gates of UA high.

"Hurry up, you'll make me late." Instantly Toya perked up and stumbled after Katsuki, his pale blue eyes looking around at lightning speed as he gaped.

"Oh look! Izuku!" He gasped, but as Katsuki continued to walk past the green haired boy Toya only had enough time to wave.

Katsuki sighed and took a band-aid out of his pocket as he ignored the whispers about his run-in with that damned slime monster a few months back.

"Come here Toya, your nose is scraped." Instantly the shorter boy was in front of his older brother, and soon enough a bandage was placed across his nose matching with the bandage on his cheek and scrapes that covered his body.

"You really need to stop tripping on things, the hags going to cause a fit again." Katsuki gave a deep sigh at the prospect of having Toya coddled by their mom.

It wasn't until after the written portion of the UA exam that the two brothers were seen together again, and many gave curious looks at the two. Already people knew who they were, having witnessed Katsuki Bakugo's capture and Toya Bakugo's quirk losing control in the process. It took the help of many to clean up the mess afterward, but it was already known that the two were brothers and extremely powerful.

However, many still questioned how two brothers had such different abilities and such different personalities.

Katsuki soon realized that both him and Toya were in two different battle zones, and instantly felt worried for his little brother.

"Toya, remember you have to pass if you want to follow me into this school. So, don't forget to destroy as many robots as you can, they can't feel anything okay." The taller boy explained to his brother who was currently picking at a band-aid around his finger.

"But...what if they can feel it? I don't wanna hurt anything..." He whispered, his blue eyes filling with tears once again.

"Toya, they can't. Your brother wouldn't lie to you, right? Trust me." With that, he ruffled the shorter boy's hair, threw a glare at Izuku who instantly began to sputter and walked off towards his battle zone.

"D-Don't worry Toya, I'm sure you'll do great!" Instantly Toya perked up at the stuttering greenettes words.

"Your right! Besides, I'm sure if I only hurt them alil bit then someone can put them back together." With that he ran off towards his gate, only to trip and fall with a grunt.

"Are you okay?" At a tired and droning voice above him, the pale blonde-haired boy looked up, wincing slightly as the light that flared around the boy above him.

As he got back to his feet, he suddenly grinned at the violet haired boy in front of him, his pale eyes sparkling in the sunlight catching the violet-haired boy off guard.

"Yes! I'm fine! Oh, this is my gate...awesome! I'm Toya Bakugo, who are you?" As the boy excitedly spoke while jumping up and down on his toes the violet boy gave a small smile.

"Hitoshi Shinso guess we'll be going in together- "Right as he finished speaking the loud hero President Mic called out for the beginning of the exam.

The two boys watched as others ran into the battle arena with clear determination, then with a nod, the two began to follow but stayed close by one another.

As Hitoshi ran up on a robot it was clear he was unsure on how to proceed with the battle, but as the robot swung at the violet boy a white blur jumped over his shoulder.

Teachers watched with curious eyes as the young boy with white hair and blue eyes seemed to draw some symbol in the air with his finger. It pulsed golden before a tree branch shot out from the boy stabbing through the robot that was about to attack the purple haired boy.

"Sorry, Hitoshi! Are you okay?" The short boy asked, his eyes showing clear concern causing the small jealousy the violet boy had felt wash away. It was clear Toya had only done it to save him, after confirming he was fine the two set off once more. Hitoshi struggling to take down anything above one pointer and Toya there to save him from anything that got too close.

By the end of the exam, Hitoshi couldn't help but wonder what the younger boys quirk was, and as the buzzer sounded, he stared at his new companion.

"I'm so sorry Mister robot! I didn't mean to hurt you, b-but you were gonna hurt my friend." The blonde boy sniffled before gently patting the severed head of the robot he had taken down.

"Toya...what's your quirk?" Violet eyes met blue and the blonde boy gave a smile.

"My mom says it's called Witchery; I can create diagrams and use them to grow plants or bring water. I'm still learning and creating more diagrams to use! What about you Shinso?"

At the sound of his first name, the violet boy flushed slightly, "I can control people with my mind...b-but only if they talk to me. And I wouldn't use it on y- "
That's soooo cool!! You could totally become an awesome hero with that quirk! Oh wow! Just wait till I tell my brother about this; my best friend has such a strong quirk! He will be sooo jealous." As the blonde boy animatedly began to speak about his brother Shinso stared at him with wide eyes, it wasn't until he felt something trickle from his chin that he realized he was crying.

Before the other boy noticed he quickly wiped them away before giving the other boy a small smile, "Yeah...thanks."

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