Chapter Seven~

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"Ms. Masters. I'm Special Agent Castiel with the FBI and I was wondering if I could have a chat with you."
Castiel waited a few seconds, yet again nothing.

Any sensible person would just leave, but something in Castiel couldnt let him.

He tried the door and it was unlocked. He took out his gun and kept it close as he let himself into the home.

It seemed in decent shape, no sign of anything wrong, so he continued to make his way up the stairs and down the hall, checking every room.
When he got to what assumed to be the master bedroom he pushed the already ajar door open and right there in the middle of the bedroom was a woman with dark hair laying on the floor, a bottle of.empty pills layed next to her and he skin was turning pale.

"Jesus Christ." Castiel hurried to her aid and tried for any pulse. Thankfully. It was still there, but very weak, and assuming she's been here for quite a while. She didnt have much time.

He picked up the woman from the floor and carried her to his car, putting her in the back seat. The nearest hospital was only about three minutes from her hourse so he was quick to drive.
He found himself every other second looking through the review, but it only seemed to make it worse considering the fact she only seemed to get whiter.

He quickly pulled into the lot and didn't even bother parking his car, just seemingly left it where it was in nobody's way.

"It is going to be alright, stay with me." he muttered over and over, hoping she would hear him. Deeply, Castiel cared for this stranger. She deserved the right to live as any other person on Earth. The reason why'd she swallow a bottle of pills goes over his head.

"I need help, now." Castiel barges into the building with no other care in the world.
Heads turn and eyes watch as three nurses come to his aid, questions being shot from all directions.

"What happened?

"Is she alive?"

"Check her pulse."

"When did you find her?"

Blah blah blah. It all truly made his head hurt.

"I'm going to need you to wait out here and answer a few questions please, sir." A nurse took Castiel by the arm and held him from following Meg.

"What is the patient's name?"

"Meg Masters."

"Are you in any form related to this person?"


"Do you know what happened to her?"

"I found her on her bedroom floor with a bottle of pills."

"What's your name?"

"Castiel Novak. I'm with the FBI and I came to ask her some questions about an incident that took place. When I got to her home she was like I said, on the floor with an empty bottle of pills and unresponsive."

"Do you know any relative numbers we can call? Mother, Father, siblings?"


The woman finished writing and gave Castiel a sympathetic look which he found upsetting.
"I can see you're under a lot of stress sir, but I suggest you find something to do while we take care of her. Take a seat or some air."

He's been through this before. Again, 10 years of working with the FBI, but he remembered how many other nurses he's met have basically said the same phrase, like a memorized line of movie.

Castiel grit his teeth and tightened his jaw.
Yet at the end of the day, she was right.and he wouldn't argue it.

"Take my number. I'll get her parents' contacts for you."

Castiel took a step to the side and dialed up Kevin who he knew would help him.

Two rings and the man was on the call.

"Hello, sir. How can I help you?"

"Yes, Kevin. I need Meg Master's parents' contacts please. I found her at home unconscious and they need her info."

"There was a few taps on keyboard and a few seconds of silence before a small, "AHA"

Kevin was giving Castiel all the details he needed and he was quick to give it to the nurse.
She wrote it down and thanked Castiel.

"Thanks, Kevin. I owe you one."

"Just doing my job, boss. Hope she gets well too."

Castiel ended the call and let himself feel like a normal human fucking being for a second.
He leaned on wall and sighed to himself.
So much can happen in so little time that Castiel found himself not understanding half of the things going on around him.

Maybe the nurse lady was right. He needed a Distraction.

(CASTIEL): I'm available now.

He shut his eyes for a brief moment the sense of being tired and run down finally catching up to him.

There was a small buzz in his hand and he felt some weight being lifted from his chest. Just some though.

(DEAN): Perfect timing, Novak. I'll send you the address of a small café and we can have a chat.

Yes, a chat did seem like a nice idea right now.

My Demon Killer (Destiel Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu