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*Bryan's POV*after Jon's dream finished i got out and molten was gone i had to slap Jon to wake him up :Jon:"WH-" I covered his mouth "Jon it's me I'm here to get you out" :Jon:"Bryan how?!" "I'll explain that later just get up" Jon got up and I went over to the girls who where hopefully Lulu and Virus :Springtrap:"okay so your saying that Bryan touched Jon's head and then disappeared?" "Oh no" I ran to Jon "Soul come on get us out of here" :Jon:"who's soul" :Soul:"I can't get us all out I wasted all my energy fixing the portal" "Really?!" :Soul:"yeah I can only get two of us out" "Fine take Jon" :Jon:"wait what" before Jon could say anything else soul took him out of the cell probably to Davis and Mangle because unless Mangle and Davis spit up, Jon should end up being with Soul,Davis and Mangle. Molten and Springtrap walked over to the cell and saw me in it  :Springtrap:"i thought you said he was-WAIT WHERE'S JON?!" "......." :Springtrap"answer my question Bryan!" "......" :Springtrap:"fine I guess I have to....Force it out of you molten look for Jon he couldn't have gone far" :Molten:"got it..." oh crap crap CRAP ?29.&ow can you warn Soul and tell him to get the others out of here "yes I can Bryan" *??? POV* i left Bryan I don't really care that I'm leaving him alone because he can take care of himself but I still worry. I guess it's a women's job to worry?  I teleported to soul "SOUL!" :Soul:" oh hey $3556 why are you-wait did you leave Bryan ALONE?" "Yes he told me to warn you molten is coming you guys need to leave" :Jon:"WHAT NO IM NOT LEAVING WITHOUT BRYAN HE WILL DIE HERE!" "No he won't! I've been with him his hole life and-never mind" i whisper to soul "please get them out" :Soul:"but Bryan" "Please" :Soul:"fine" soul took them and I went back to Bryan hiding inside his pocket so I can see things easily I mean I can see just fine inside his head but I can only see what he sees and I need to keep a eye on Springtrap we where inside a room with a table and a chairs I saw Springtrap about to knock Bryan out so I left Bryan's pocket and hid behind the chair then I moved under the  table when spring trap wasn't looking*??? Is a tiny little blob the size of  my fist here a pic of meh fist go all the way down to the bottom of the page to see my fist*Springtrap put Bryan on the chair and put something on his arm I know what it is it's a shock band it sends a shock threw the body it's on not enough to kill them but enough to make the scream in pain and agony Bryan won't stay knocked out for long so I need to find something to make a .......Distraction I left the room and went looking for something anything to help get springtrap out of the room you are probably thinking "WeLl YoU cAN TElepOrT rIgHT? WHy nOt just tElepoRT hIm OuT??"  Well I would ....But it would blow our cover so I can't i found some rope a bucket and a pen and paper a shock collar(same thing as a shock bracelet but it goes on your neck) and a key to some door ....hmmmmm what could i do with all this(you guys get to chose what $3556 does with all of these items! chose careful there will be a different out come depending on what you guys chose) 

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