"Keep em', you earned em'." I shook my head,

"No, it was your match today, and you guys would've won just as easy if not easier." Ajay grinned.

"You sure?" I nodded,

"Yeah, I want it to go to the Frontier Corps. You're doing some really great work over there, I mean you did save my life after all, and with this you can help a lot more people." Lifeline took the card from my hand and pulled me in for a hug.

"You're a good kid."


Bangalore and Ajay had just left when there was another knock on the door.

"You expecting anyone else?" Mirage asked.

"I was going to ask you the same." I began to walk over to the door, curious as to who would show up this late into the evening.

"Hopefully it's Wraith." Mirage said as I swung the door open. When I saw who it was my eyes went wide,


"Hello Sly. I apologize for arriving unannounced." He stood in the doorway for a second. "May I come in? I have a query I would like to discuss with you." I was still holding the door and I leant my head back to look at Mirage, who was shaking his head no.

"Sure," I told Caustic, opening the door the rest of the way. Mirage threw his hands up in the air, while giving me a crazed look. Caustic walked in and he quickly turned his hand gesture into a wave.

"Oh hey there Caus," he said casually. I looked over to Castuic, feeling a little nervous about having had invited him in.

"What can I do for you?"

"I would like to discuss today's match." I laughed a little,

"Saw you finally killed me and came to gloat?"

"Please," Caustic replied. "I do not care for... boasting. I am simply interested in how you were killed."

"As you would," I said while plopping myself back down on the couch. Mirage was keeping his distance. "Well, I mean, if you watched the game I think you saw it all. Path threw me in, barrel went off, bad times ensued." Caustic shook his head.

"What intrigues me is how quickly the poison affected you, as compared to the first time we had met in the ring."

"I just kinda assumed you brought different stuff."

"I did."

"Okay? So why the confusion?" Caustic rubbed his beard, in thought.

"The samples I used today contained much less toxins than the sample during the championship game." I tilted my head, displaying the fact that I wasn't following. "You should have died during our last match. Not today." My eyes went wide.

"Alright, your confusion is understood." I looked over to Mirage who had now moved into the living room as well. "Why is that?" I finally asked.

"That is what I would like to find out." I leant back on the couch and folded my arms.

"I'm only dying to that stuff once per day. Sorry." Caustic grinned a little.

"I'm afraid that will not be necessary. I just have a few questions."


"Have you ever been in contact with Ecclaphia Marara?"


"Leviathan's Disease," Mirage spoke up. "Broke out two hundred years ago." I put my hands up,

"So how would I have come into contact with it then?"

"Interesting," Caustic said. I noticed he had now taken out a notebook and was writing in it. "So you have not acquired the vaccine for it then I presume?"

"Obviously not!" I thought for a second. "Am I going to get some weird space plague?!" Mirage shook his head.

"It was eradicated a good eighty years ago. Everyone has the vaccine these days." I nodded a few times, that would explain why to others the gas containing the disease was not as effective.

"I have the information I need," Caustic said standing up.

"Wait, wait, wait," I interrupted, standing up as well. "Then what is in the more deadly one?"

"Variola. Smallpox."

"Really? Smallpox?"

"You know what that is?" Mirage asked. I nodded,

"Yeah I got the vaccine when I was like, a baby." I looked back over to Caustic. "So if I get the vaccine for the other one, would that make me immune to your gas?" I asked with a grin.

"I have more than just two strains of gas, these are the only two that use disease however."

"Right," I gulped, not sure if I wanted to know what was in the other gasses.

"Thank you for you time," Caustic said. "I must be returning to my lab." And with that he walked out the door. I stood staring at the door for a few seconds before looking back over to Mirage.

"How many more space viruses have there been?" I asked.

"Yeah we should probably go get you to a hospital." Mirage replied. I grinned a little,

"Looks like we will be doing shots tonight after all!"

Sly (An Apex Legends Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now