Red Dead Redemtion

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In 1911 the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Ross and Fordham took John to go and hunt down his former "brothers in arms" Bill Williamson, Javier Escuella, and Dutch van der Linde. John has to take a train to Armadillo, New Austin. Once he arrived in Armadillo, he headed down to Fort Mercer. Because Bill was there. He tries to confront Bill while him and Bill were arguing. Bill shot John in the gut and left him there to die, for the second time.
Some people came by and they picked up John. They turned out to be the MacFarlane's. They helped John get back to the road to recovery. Once a doctor took the bullets out, he was going to be fine. John eventually got in contact with Marshal Johnshon, to see if Marshal can help John get to Bill. It turns out that Bill and Javier are in Mexico, so he has to go there next. Once he gets into Mexico, he immediately gets shot at.
He eventually gets word of were Javier is so he goes down to where he is to kill or capture him. He met up with Ross and Fordham. Ross tells him to get Bill and come back to Blackwater as soon as possible because Dutch was spotted there. Soon afterwards he finds out where Bill is. It turns out Bill was working with the Colonel, Agustín Allende. So John and the Mexican president Ryes, go to kill them both.
Once John kills Bill He's sent back to Blackwater, to talk to Ross about Dutch. Dutch had himself an entire gang of Native Amaricans. Dutch went to go rob a bank in Blackwater and John found him in a room with a hostage.
Eventually John finds Dutch and has a one on one conversation. In the end Dutch got trapped between John and a cliff. Dutch remembered a time with Arthur when they were on a cliff surrounded by the army, before him and Arthur jumped off the cliff he gave a speech. That speech is the same speech he gave on the cliff. When Dutch finished his speech he commited suicide, by backing off the cliff. John gets down to Dutch's body, and he gets the news that his family was sent back to his home at Bechers Hope.
When John arrives back at the ranch. His cattle was taken by poachers and his chickens were killed. The next morning, John and his son Jack went back to the MacFarlane's ranch to get more cattle. A while later Uncle spotted some soldiers coming into the ranch to put an end to what was left of the Van der Linde gang.
John goes and gets his family indoors, then goes outside and fights of the army the best him and Uncle can. The army kills Uncle. With the soldiers not stopping he had to get Abigail and Jack safe. Him and his family went to the barn, then the shooting stopped. John knew what was to come, so he got Jack and Abigail out of the ranch. When they left he knew this was the end. He cracked the barn door open, and he saw a lot of soldiers, with Ross up at front. He fully opened the doors, and shot as many men as he could. There were to many men, he was shot to death. Then Abigail hears the gunfire, so her and Jack go back to Beachers Hope, To find John dead.

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