Strangers Arrive

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Strangers Arrive

"Yugi! Mommy is home!" Kathleen Rogers called as she walked into her apartment. Purring was heard when Kathleen felt something on her ankles. Something soft. She smiled as she reached down and pick up her fluffy white and violet kitten. "did you miss mommy my little one? I miss you too I also got you some brand new toys Sweetie." She coos and brings the kitten close to her face.

Yugi licks her nose happy she was home. Yugi placed his small paws on her chest wanting his toys. Kathleen smiled as she carried Yugi to the bags and reached in pulling out a brand new catnip Mouse toy as well as a soft stuffed panda toy.

Yugi's eyes widen and he mewed. Kathleen smiled as she sat on the ground with Yugi. She playfully drag the mouse across the carpet letting Yugi chase it.

Yugi chased after it until there was a knock on the door. Yugi whines when Kathleen stopped.

Kathleen smiled as she got up. "It's probably just the mailman Sweetie." Yugi watched her. 'He always ruins my playtime.'

Kathleen smiled as she saw it her friend Ryan. "Hey Ryan. What brings you here?"

Yugi pokes his head between her ankles and mewed. 'Leave! We were playing.' Yugi whines.

Ryan saw Yugi and smiled as he knelt down. "Hey little buddy. You're so cute." He reached out to pet Yugi.

Yugi hides behind Kathleen and goes to his castle gym in the living room. He hid in his little tunnel. He smelled big dogs.

"Sorry Ryan Yugi isn't very social.. so what did you come by for?"

Ryan smiles and understanding knowing that he had two big dogs so Yugi probably could smell them on him. "Well I was wondering if you were free on Friday so we can maybe go on a.... a date?" Yugi's ears perked up. 'Date? What's a date?'

Kathleen's eyes widened happily. She quickly threw herself at Ryan hugging him. "It's about time you asked me you stupid baka." She jokes as they hug and laugh. Ryan smiles as he kissed Kathleen on her cheek. "See you Friday then." After they share one more hug and a wave bye to Yugi Ryan went home.

Yugi whines as he laid his head on his paws. Kathleen smiled as she goes over to Yugi's castle gym. "You can come outside sweetie Ryan's not a scary person... Come on let's play some more before I need to make dinner." She coos as she pats her lap.

Yugi nods his head and jumps down from his jungle gym. He and Kathleen continues playing until dinner then they play some more until bedtime. After showering Kathleen carried Yugi to her bedroom at the two cuddle under the blankets and fall asleep.

The next morning Kathleen is up and around getting ready for work as she makes Yugi's breakfast. "Mana will watching you today sweetie. You'll get to go see your friends while Mommy is at work." Kathleen coos as she quickly pulled on her barista apron. She worked at a busy coffee shop most of the day.

Yugi laid in his playhouse as he watches Kathleen. It was always so quiet and lonely in the house when he was by himself, so when she said he would be going to visit his friends he was extremely excited.

Kathleen carried Yugi downstairs after she had locked the apartment. She put his own little helmet on as she placed him in his basket on her bike. She quickly biked over to the pet sitter as Mana smiled and waved as Kathleen carefully set Yugi in the house with the other pets after giving him a goodbye kiss. "Mommy will come back to pick you up soon sweetie be good." With a final wave she went out the door.

Yugi whines and lays by the door like he always did the first hour or two.

30 minutes in though his fluffy companion Joey flopped over. Joey was a Golden retriever and was a bigger than Yugi but he was still a puppy so he wasn't very threatening Yugi saw him as a playmate

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2019 ⏰

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