He moved his body so his head was between my thighs, slowly kissing them, down and then back up. My feet started to tingle with excitement, and he watched me, grinning at me with his eyes. Gently grabbing my intruding hand, he moved it out of the way, giving him full access to my core.

"Take your top off, sugar," he commanded softly, and I blinked a couple of times before pushing myself up to take off the offensive piece of clothing, discarding it onto the floor next to the bed, my bra following closely behind. He smirked as he looked at me with hungry eyes. "Damn. I could look at you all day," he rested his head on my thigh as he continued to peer at my now fully naked body. I started feeling less nervous as he stared at me like I was the sexiest woman alive. For a second, I started to believe I was.

"Is that all you're gonna do?" I teased him awkwardly, sparking a dark, but playful grin to ignite from his lips.

"I'll show you what I'm gonna do," he threatened before burying his head between my thighs. I could feel every movement his tongue made, licking me like I was an ice-cream cone, as he reintroduced his fingers to my center. My fingers found their way back to Taehyung's head, gripping his hair as I bit down on the side of my pillow. I fought the moans that wanted to escape from my chest, scared that Yoongi or Hoseok were home.

Taehyung seemed to enjoy his time down there, but more importantly, it was starting to calm all the nerves I had about going further. I'd always wondered if my nervousness would be off-putting for my first partner, but as it turned out, Taehyung helped melt away any negative and self-doubting feelings I had.

I was beginning to wonder how long he'd stay down there before he started giving me sloppy kissing up my stomach, in between my breasts, and back to my lips. I could taste myself on him, and for some reason I found it extremely alluring. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt, and started tugging upwards on it, letting him know I wanted him to take it off. He leaned up, straddled between my legs, and happily obliged.

"You sure about this?" he asked while he began taking care of the button on his jeans and retrieving a condom from his wallet. I bit my lower lip as I watched him, and nodded my head in response. I wanted to ask him if he was sure about this, considering he was so 'old fashioned' and all, but held my tongue.

"It's my first time, Tae," I sheepishly admitted. I wonder if he would turn me down as Yoongi had, making me feel nervous all over again. Instead, his smirk crawled back onto his face, making him look more alluring than ever. He looked at me, at my body, and caught his bottom lip between his teeth as he stared, his deep ebony orbs darting around.

"That makes it even better," he said, causing me to feel at ease again. He took his pants off, letting them join their place on the floor next to my discarded clothes. Leaning back down, I could feel him, hard, against my body. This made me blush even more, and I was thankful Taehyung started kissing me again so he couldn't see. I could feel him using his hand to guide himself into me, and I felt a slight pain as he slowly pushed himself. I sucked in, holding my breath as I waited for the pain to dissipate. "Are you okay?" he asked softly, pulling his lips away from mine and looking at me with mild concern. I started biting my lower lip and nodded. He leaned his head down so his mouth was next to my ear again, "if you keep biting your lip like that, I'm going to cum early," he began to slowly started moving out, and back in, over and over again.

His hips moved in a way that created an arch in lower back every time he pulled out, and I dug my fingertips into his skin in that spot. "Oh, Tae," I couldn't help but let the words escape, not caring in the moment if anybody else heard.

"That's it, sugar," he coaxed, placing kisses the crook of my neck and licking the sensitive skin. I could feel his warm breath on my skin, getting heavier and hotter. He began picking up his pace, and I started feeling a tightness in my lower belly, like my insides were going to cave in on themselves. The feeling suddenly increased, and I hiked my legs up over Taehyung's hips desperately. He brought a hand down, holding only my ass as he drove into me. Abruptly, I imploded. My feet started twitching as Taehyung kept pushing into me, making me ride out my high. "I'm gonna cum," he moaned into my neck. The next second, he quickly pulled out, and I watched as he released himself into the condom.

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