The Backround of the gang

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The notorious Van der Linde gang known as Dutch's boys. Was on the run yet again from a bank and ferry robbery in Blackwater, also known as the Blackwater Massacre. Dutch van der Linde shot a girl on the ferry, her name was Heidi McCort.  Dutch van der Linde, Hosea Matthews, and Arthur Morgan. Were the main gang members with Dutch being the leader of the gang; While Arthur Morgan was his right hand man; at least in the beginning. Hosea and Dutch met in 1878, when they went to  rob each other. They soon became fast friends. Later that year, Dutch met a 14 year old, Arthur Morgan.  Hosea, he always said that Hosea and Dutch they were a curious couple and Athur was their unruly son.
    Then in 1885 Dutch saved a 12 year old boy from a lynching in Illinois. That boy turned out to be John Marston.  A few years later in 1894, Abigail Roberts was introduced into the gang by Uncle. She soon fell pregnant, with her son Jack. By the time Jack was born Abigail was John's romantic interest. He left for a year, because he didn't want to believe that Jack was his.

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