Kiera ignores him. She spots Dermot in the corner furthest from the door, leaning against the wall silently. He doesn’t move, doesn’t speak. He’s nothing but a spectating shadow, eyes drifting over the room slowly. When they finally meet hers, his eyes are dark, endless black. Desire to look away overrides her brain; as if she has to look somewhere else or her eyes will ripe from the muscle to do so. She dares to keep looking, feeling the brush of someone in her head, like a shadow of thoughts and feeling that aren’t her own.  

Dermot doesn’t smile, but something in his eyes flashes amusement. His fingers lift just enough for her to see over people’s heads, his fingers flicking towards himself, one finger after the other. As his hand drops Kiera hears the door click shut behind her. She shivers.

“Not everyone can be an Alpha” Jordan announces, voice bellowing over the cosy room easily. Kiera turns away from the warlock, relived. Jordan’s situated behind the table, standing tall and assertive. His shoulders are back, head high, arms slightly turned out at the elbow as if trying to make himself look bigger. Ice trickles through Kiera, poking the wolf at her with cold fingers. “Not everyone can lead a pack. Males are the alpha’s because that’s the way it is, the way it always has been. In the bible men came first, and in wolf society, so shall we again. Men are more dominate, more aggressive. We don’t let emotions cloud our judgement.” His eyes cut over the crowd.

“But an Alpha can’t all be about the muscle and dominance he possesses. He has to be a born leader, someone who can make sacrifices, someone who thinks for the pack. He can’t be a push over, can’t be lead astray by absurd desires and dreams. Therefore, this meeting is to see who has the potential for being an Alpha. For this meeting, all males are equals, regardless of age, up bringing or rank.” Jordan grabs the map suddenly, lifting it beside him. The corners fold in, but he ignores it. Blue dots are splattered over one side mostly, and blue ones stretch around the very outer square which appeared to be the wall. “The red dots are where the Revokers are spotted, the blue places where they have gotten out. It’s been 5 days since the last attack, three times that of normal rest time. Discuss point of access and ways to improve the security. Females must not participate.”

The room stays quiet and still as Jordan steps back, positioning himself against the wall. Eleanor’s blue eyes flicker around the room.

Someone in the front row leans forwards, chair tipping towards slightly. “The red dots are congested around the west area. They must be getting in around there.” He stands, pointing at somewhere on the board. “Maybe there getting in the same way they get out. Over the walls.”

“That would be too obvious” Someone else says. “Within a minute someone on patrol would stop them. Hell, no one needs to be on patrol to see that, it’s in clear view of everyone”

“You got a better idea?” the first snarls.

The second guy argues back, but Kiera’s distracted by the person in front of her. A guy named Andrew a few years older than her. He used to come around to see Jess. “I never get this. It’s not like anything’s ever done. It’s always the same, there’s a boring argument for a few hours, someone gets angry, a fight breaks out. We all get kicked back outside and that’s the end of it til a year later when it happens all over again. His friend agrees curtly

Kiera tears her eyes off the man’s head, looking back to the main discussion. Someone else had jumped up and joined, but Kiera can’t be interested. She glances around wishing she had something to do. She would have settled with counting tiles, but the floor is carpet, a plain, pattern less carpet.

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