~Part Sixteen~

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I sit there in a daze, watching my crush kissing another girl. I can't take my eyes off of them, tears start running down my face and every muscle in my body starts shaking. Mattsun places his hand on my shoulder and pulls me back, forcing me to look at them. 'Shit. Shit!' he curses in his normal voice. He grabs both my and Makki's hand and we run out of the cafe, Iwa's confused gaze following us until we're out of sight.

'We're too late. Dammit!' Makki kicks a trash can while Mattsun is trying to comfort me. I'm crying like an actual school girl now, heart broken. 'Let's head home, change clothes and visit a bar. We need some drinks man.' Mattsun says.

I'm just about to agree when I hear a very, very angry voice echoing in the alley we're standing in. 'What the FUCK were you thinking?!' Iwa screams at us. I quickly hide my face, trying to stop my tears. 'Iwa, we're sorry! We just wanted to make sure you didn't ruin your first date!' Makki actually sounds guilty and convincing.

Iwa buys it. 'It's none of your business whether I ruin a date or not. Oikawa, I get why Makki and Mattsun did this, but I didn't expect you to do this. I'm disappointed in you.' Tears start streaming down my face even harder as I whimper softly.

I feel Mattsun loosen his arms around me, anger radiating from his whole being. 'Iwaizumi. Leave.' He glares at him. I can hear Iwa stomping away before finally crying out loud, screaming his name, knowing my feelings will never reach him.

We head to Makki and Mattsun's house where I left my clothes. I take a long, hot shower, waiting for my eyes to stop looking puffy and my muscles to calm down. I put on my normal clothes. It is 5.30 PM, a bit early to start drinking, but I couldn't care less right now. 'Let's go.' I say as I step out of their bathroom.

We head to the nearest bar and go sit in a corner. I've always had a low alcohol resistance, but luckily my mom friend Mattsun doesn't, so he keeps me and Makki in check. Although Makki has an average resistance, we're planning to stay here for a while, so we both thank and apologize to Mattsun before we start.

It's 7PM. I've only had four or five drinks, but I can feel my head getting lighter, my mind sets itself free as my emotions let themselves out in the open. 'Makki, you're such a pretty boyyy~' I grin. Makki, who has had about eight drinks already, grins back. 'Noooo, Oikawa, you're the pretty boyyy.' We giggle and Mattsun sighs.

'Don't go stealing my boyfriend now, Oikawa.' he says jokingly. Makki smiles at him, hugging his waist. 'Boyyyfriend, I looove you.' he says. I pout. 'But Mattsun, I also want a boyfriend. I want Iwa-chaaaaan.' I put my head on Mattsun's lap. 'Stop that.' He pushes me away.

'Iiiiwa-chaaaaaan,' I cry. It's 9PM now. I've had much more drinks than I can handle. 'please love me, Iiiiwa-chaaaaan.' Makki suddenly starts crying. 'Oikawa,' he sniffs, 'I'm so sorry. We will love you forever, okay?' 'Makki!' I start crying as well, giving him a big hug. Mattsun sighs again, ordering another drink. He definitely is gonna need some more.

It's 12AM. I can barely stand straight. Everything makes me giggle, which in turn, makes Makki giggle. Even Mattsun is tipsy and giggles along. 'Iwa-channnn, love meeee!' I cry again, hugging Mattsun as I can barely see anything, but still notice his dark hair, just like Iwa's.

'Oikawa, that's gay!' Makki giggles. 'Makki, you're dating me.' Mattsun says. 'Wow! Oikawa! We're both gay!' Makki says, shocked. 'Does loving Iwa-chan make me gay? Even when he doesn't know?' I start sniffing. 'Then just tell him?' Makki says as if it's the most logical thing in the world. I hit my forehead with my hand. 'Makki, you're a genius!' I grab my phone, not hearing Mattsun's desperate attempts to stop me.


Oikawa? Are you drunk? I'm still mad at you, you know.

Iwa-chqhhh, dom't be mqd at ne! I judt want your loce.

Stop drinking and go home, stupid.

Nooioo, Iwa-chab! I cwn't! I an very sad vecaude of you.

What did I do?

Iwa-chan, I love you

Fuck off.

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