~Part Fifteen~

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My poor last braincell finally catches up with Makki and Mattsun. 'She will break Iwa's heart.' I finally realize. 'We have to call him.' Makki says as he grabs his phone. 'What do we tell him? "Hey, Oikawa saw you and Lana fall in love and he can see that she will fall in love with someone else?" Like he will believe that!' I raise my voice again. 'I haven't told him, and I'm not planning to.' They fall silent again.

'So, uhhh, wanna spy on his date?' Makki tries again. 'Yeah, we totally should, it's gonna be like a totally spies mission!' Mattsun gives Makki a high five. I sigh and reluctantly agree, knowing that I shouldn't let them go alone, and I can't stop them.

Just like that, we end up in the cafe close to Lana's house, dressed in the girl uniforms and some wigs Mattsun had from his cosplays. My breath gets stuck in my throat as Iwa walks in, looking nervous. He's dressed in his casual clothes, but not as sloppy as usual. He sits down right behind us, his back turned towards me.

He orders a latte and waits for Lana, who comes in three minutes later, while Makki, Mattsun and I hide our faces behind the menu cards. They greet eachother, a new kind of shyness in the already shy Lana's voice. Even Iwa sounds insecure. 'What's her timer?' Mattsun whispers. 'I can't just casually make a 180 turn here, man.' I answer.

'Hey, Toori-chan, accompany me to the bathroom~' Mattsun then says in a unusual high voice. Toori? I glare at him as I feel Iwa's stare on my back for a second, Mattsun and Makki quickly hiding behind the menu again.

I get up to "go to the toilet", hoping nobody will look at my face, and take a quick glance at Lana's timer. We walk towards the bathroom as casually as possible. Since Iwa's back is turned towards us, he can't see us for now. The way back will be different though. We arrive in the corner of the cafe, not actually entering any toilets (that would be creepy) but scrolling on our phones for a few minutes before returning.

During the walk back I try to hide my face behind my phone, hoping the girl outfits and my length won't stand out to Iwa. 'Oikawa?' a surprised voice sounds. I keep walking, hoping he'll forget. 'H-huh? Yeah?' Lana says, confused. 'Ah, excuse me.' Iwa apologizes, 'Tooru?' I blush three shades of red. He has never called me by my first name before. Makki and Mattsun have to suppress a giggle.

Luckily, Iwa's attention shifts back to Lana, making awkward small talk, while Makki and Mattsun take all kinds of weird selfies and pictures of their drinks. 'Ah! What does the timer say?' Makki suddenly remembers. 'Six days.' I sigh. 'What? Only six days?! We gotta stop this, now!' Makki panicks, Mattsun frantically nodding next to him.

But before we can do anything, both Iwa and Lana get up. I turn around to look at them. A bad decision, really. They exchange some more words, too soft for me to hear. Then Iwa pulls her closer.

He kisses her, right in front of me, with a passion I've never seen in him before.

When The Timer Hits Zero. ~Iwaoi~Where stories live. Discover now