This is why i hate video games

77 1 31

because it appeals to like the
m a l e f a n t a s y

From what I've seen this is one of the classic cases of feminists not wording themselves correctly and then the cishetwhitemen getting triggered.

What you see is a screenshot out of a video from Buzzfeed, where Women play GTA. One of the women points out that just as in many video games iT aPpEaLS TO tHe mAle fAnTasy, which translated into highercallingupperclassbourgoisfeministjargon means Male Gaze.

The male gaze is the phenomenon of sexualisation of women in media with the purpose of making the medium more attractive to a heterosexual male audience. Usually you can see women with a lot of skin exposed and uh very prominent secondary sex characteristics.
This phenomenon along with a lot of other things is what caused the gaming community to become so misogynistic, (#yesallgamers) as pointed out by the only good youtuber Anita Saarkesian.

Generally if you're arguing from a feminists perspective it is really fun seeing straight men write of a skin tight bodysuit and an àss as big as two watermelons as a „display of normal female anatomy".

I of course don't want to shame women who willingly sexualise themselves, but there is a difference between a woman and a video game character created solely for a mans enjoyment.

(Since someone whined about me making jokes, qUIcK diSClaImeR:
I will continue to make them, not everything needs to be boring)

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