✰ Fact 32 ✰

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The very basis of every mbti type

ENTP- eccentric, charming, undisciplined
ENFP- Thoughtful, upbeat, scattered
ENFJ- passionate, charismatic, manipulative
ENTJ- strong, authoritative, intense
ESTJ- responsible, hardworking, anal
ESFJ- respectful, friendly, shallow
ESFP- theatrical, daring, reckless
ESTP- confident, fearless, crude
ISTJ- realistic, perfectionist, conventional
ISFJ- kind, traditional, obsessive
ISFP- considerate, artistic, self-pitying
ISTP- technical, honest, unemotional
INTP- calm, intellectual, oblivious
INTJ- analytical, straightforward, skeptical
INFJ- patient, understanding, complicated
INFP- sweet, idealistic, emotional

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