Late nights and morning text

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To say that the concert was amazing would be an understatement. It was the first time I had seen Camila perform and I always wondered why people would pay to go to her concerts over and over again but now I completely understood. She had a voice of an angel on her cd’s and a voice that could lead me to heaven live. After the concert, Rebecca insisted we stayed until everyone left, in case Sofi came back. When everyone had finally left which was an hour later, I finally got Rebecca to leave. Since it was two in the morning by the time we finally got home, Rebecca was in the back seat sleeping. I knocked on the door, Alexis and Phil opened the door having been waiting. Phil took Rebecca from me to put her to bed and I went inside.

“Hey, how was the concert?” Alexis asked.

“It was amazing and Rebecca had a great time.”

“I’m glad to hear. You’re sleeping over right?” I nodded my head. I was going to babysit Rebecca in the morning since Alexis and Phil were going on a trip in the morning. “I should let you get some sleep then. Goodnight.” She said heading upstairs to her room.

“Goodnight.” I replied. I go back to the car to get my stuff and then head upstairs to the guestroom. I grow tired as I get ready for bed. Once I’m ready and I lie down it seems like I was given a new burst of energy. Now it was four in the morning and I hadn’t had a wink of sleep. I don’t know why but Ally seemed to get back into my mind.

Over the couple of months that we had pretended we were dating, we texted a lot. Ranging from homework to stories we would make up for each other. It was something that had gave her hope that they would end up together but of course she wasn’t lucky enough to have a happy ending.

I think that was the worse part of it all, getting so close to her. In the end even if we ended as close friends it would have been better than all of this. It was nights like this where I wish that I would have told her, about how I felt because then I would know. It would give me the closure that I needed because all the consequences didn’t seem to matter anymore. I had lost her either way and now I was left with the doubt. Maybe that’s my answer, she didn’t care enough to pretend that I mattered to her now that she didn’t need me.

I felt the tears begin to form. I wonder what I was too her. I wonder what it was that she thought about me. I wonder what it was like to not care about someone who helped you. I wonder how she’s able to do it. To not care at all.

I felt the tears begin to stream. I suddenly heard my phone vibrate beside me, and for a slight second a part of me was hopeful. I was hopeful that it was her. I wanted it so bad to be her, to know that at least she cared a little about me. That I wasn’t just someone she had used.

I grab my phone and see that it was just a twitter notification. That’s when I began to sob, because it was like the last beacon of hope was shattered. I don’t know why she would be texting me at four in the morning. Maybe I had hoped that she missed me too. I just knew that this feeling wouldn’t be going away soon either. So I continued to cry into my pillow until I slowly fell asleep.


I woke up with a huge headache. I looked at the clock and it was eight but I could hear a commotion coming from downstairs. It took me a while to realize where I was. It was probably Phil and Alexis getting ready to leave. I knew Rebecca would be up soon because the latest she would wake up was nine. I grab my phone and unlock it, I look at the twitter notification and see that Camila had followed me on twitter. I suddenly remembered that she had given me her number. I decided to text her.

L: Hey! It’s Lauren, I just wanted to tell you that you were amazing last night. It was definitely the best concert ever and I’m not just saying that because it was my first concert.

I look it over before I send it. I wait a couple minutes for a reply but it doesn’t come. I then realize that since the notification from twitter came at four she must have been up at that time. She was probably still sleeping. Maybe I should do the same since, Rebecca will come into the room to wake me up anytime now. I lay back down when I hear my phone vibrate. I pick it up and it’s a text from Camila.

C: I think that’s you being bias.

I quickly reply.

L: I have no reason to be bias. I tell you the truth and nothing but the truth.

C: So if you went to an Ed Sheeran concert, would you still say that my concert was better?

L: Of course

C: You clearly have never heard him sing live. He is an angel and his concerts take you to heaven

L: I thought I made it clear, that your concert was my first concert

C: We have to change this. I am but a plain vanilla cone compared to seeing most other artist

L: I like plain vanilla cones

C: Yeah but you know you would prefer a sundae

L: Naw

C: So if we went to an ice cream shop, you’d buy a plain vanilla cone when you could get a sundae?

L: Yeah

C: We’ll see about that

L: Is this your way of trying inviting me to get ice cream with you?

C: Maybe…….

L: Keep trying…..

C: Ouch that hurt

L: I didn’t say no,  I mean I don’t like beating around the bush, if you want to ask. Ask.

C: Fine. Lauren would you and Rebecca like to get ice cream with me and Sofi. Sofi wants to hang out with Rebecca again.

L: I see the hurt now

C: What do you mean?

L: You’re just using me so Sofi can get close to Rebecca.

C: You caught me. This is actually Sofi on Camila’s phone

L: Well Sofi you’ve got great grammar for a six year old.

C: 6 and ¾

L: My mistake

C: Yes, now get on your knees and apologize to me

L: I’m kneeling

C: Now bow down to the queen

L: Who’s the queen?

C: My beautiful, kind, caring, loving sister. Who else?

L: You forgot to say modest

C: That too. Now bring her ice cream you peasant

L: Firstly I don’t know where you are. Secondly I’m babysitting Rebecca, so I can’t get you ice cream

C: Fine peasant, we shall meet at 3 at the cold stone downtown. Where you shall buy me ice cream.

L: No


L: Sure I can

C: Seriously do you guys want to get ice cream with us?

L: Sure, see you at three.


Hope you like this chapter and thanks for reading my story. -S

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