Drunk Nicole

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Waverly heard the front door open and then crash closed. Someone stomped up the stairs and she looked around the room in a panic. Her bedroom door flew open and Nicole stumbled inside.

"Hi, Wavesly!" she slurred and walked over to her girlfriend. "Let's have sex!"

Waverly laughed, she didn't think she'd ever seen Nicole this drunk before. Nicole began to kiss her sloppily, the taste of whiskey mixed with tequila on her lips and tongue. She groped at Waverly's chest but Waverly pulled away. "You're too drunk, baby. And where's Wynonna? Wasn't she the one throwing your little bachelorette party?"

"Yeah, I locked her in the holding cell hoooours ago! She was sooooooo drunk it was not so good and then I went back to the bar and did shots of 1,2,3,4...everything! And then Doc got super mad because I 'broke a bar stool' and 'vomited in his hat' and he kicked me out!"

"Oh god! Please tell me you didn't drive yourself here! I could've come to get you!"

"Of course not! I is a cop I would never do the illegals!" She exclaimed. She dropped onto the bed but misjudge and slid to the floor with a loud thud. "I tried to use my walk but someone kept tripping me and then Jeremy found me an-" she was cut off by her own vomit that splattered onto the floorboards. Then the crying started. "I'm so sorry, Waves!"

Waverly set about and cleaned the mess, then Nicole's face. When she was all done with that she led her inebriated girlfriend down the hall for a shower.

"Is it okay if I come in with you?" Waverly asked as Nicole stripped off the sparkly purple dress Wynonna had picked out for her on this evening. "I don't want you to slip and hit your head."

"Okay, good idea. Just to help, no sexy stuff, babe," Nicole agreed.

"Of course."

Waverly removed her own clothes and tossed them in the hamper, the hamper that Nicole's clothes had missed by a long shot when she'd thrown them across the bathroom.

They got in the shower one after the other and Waverly turned on the cold tap and a little bit of warm. Nicole shrieked as the icy water hit the soft flesh of her back. She begged for Waverly to let her warm it up but the younger woman insisted that the cold water would help her sober up. She groaned.

Waverly helped her lather soap on her body and held her steady.

"Sit down, bub," Waverly told the tall redhead. "I'll wash your hair, but I need to be able to reach it."

"Haha you're short!" The only slightly sobered Nicole teased as she plonked herself on the shower floor.

Waverly began to massage shampoo into the dark red hair, making sure it didn't run into her girlfriend's eyes. By the time she was helping her rinse out the conditioner, Nicole had sobered up a bit more.

They stepped out of the shower and each slid into bath robes; Nicole wrapped a towel around her hair.

"Now time to get some water and food in you, come on." Waverly led her downstairs.

Nicole sat down at the table and drank some water while Waverly made her a sandwich. "Here ya go, eat up."

"Thanks for taking care of me, Waves."

"Anytime, baby. You do the same for me." She leaned down and kissed Nicole's forehead.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Authors note:

should I do a drunk waverly oneshot at some point?

hope you're enjoying these, feel free to give kind feedback and any suggestions/scenarios/prompts for future Wayhaught oneshots I write.


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