Late Night Talks

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Nicole stripped off her work uniform after arriving home from a late night shift. Her chest felt free as she removed her bra and slipped on a loose shirt. It was a warm summer night so she didn't bother with pants. She climbed under the covers behind a sound asleep Waverly.

"Honey, I'm home," she whispered. Waverly rolled over into her girlfriend's arms and smiled, eyes still closed. "You're so cute."

"Tell me about your shift," she mumbled before she planted a kiss on the officer's chin, then another on her neck.

Nicole began to talk about her evening at work. Describing the boringness of all the paperwork she had to do and the annoying drunks locked up in the holding cell who wouldn't stop shouting. She ran her hands up and down Waverly's bare back in an instinctive motion. Nicole spoke happily about how much she enjoyed the meal Waverly had packed for her 'lunch' break.

"Did you really like it or are you just being nice?"

"It was delicious, almost as delicious as you, baby," Nicole said and kissed her head.

"Officer Haught, you're such a flirt," Waverly laughed. "You smell nice." She kissed Nicole's freckled chest and along her collarbone.

"Only for, sweetie."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Waves," she replied and noticed her girlfriend slipping back into her slumber, "goodnight."


Extraordinary // WayhaughtOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora