Russia x Soviet [NSFW]

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oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no


Disclaimer: Incest, Russia is an adult don't worry, R*pe at first, Bit of blood, Bondage

[It's a surprise]


"Папа?" Russia said. Soviet turned around. They were in the kitchen, it was late and Soviet was getting some vodka. Russia came to his father with a problem. They both leaned on the counter

Russia, to put it simply, was horny as hell. Not the type that could be solved with jacking off. He needed to fuck something. However, he had no partner, nor anyone close to be that with him.

The only person he was close to? His father.

And he didn't object to the thought.

Russia though had some issues explaining it to him though. He stuttered a lot, and only got to explain that he was hard and couldn't jack off to fix it.

"So you need someone to have sex with, but you have no partner?" Soviet asked. Russia nodded, "Well do you have anyone in mind? Someone to ask?"

"Да," Russia said, looking at his father, who simply looked down at his vodka. Soviet started to ask a question, but was cut off by Russia grabbing his head.

Soviet let out a yelp before Russia kissed him. The slavic stumbled a bit, he then started pushing away from his son. Russia took his hands and pinned them to the counter edge. His vodka now on the counter. His son pinning him down as he roughly kissed. Soviet tried to move, but all failed, he was trapped under his own son. Soviet felt Russia lick his bottom lip, he kept his mouth shut. He wasn't going to give in. He wouldn't kiss his son, let alone tongue kiss. Soviet gagged at the thought. His son though, wouldn't be told no. Russia thrusted his hips against his father's, his erection hitting Soviet's crotch directly. The hard pound made him gasp. Russia took the opportunity to slide his tongue in. Soviet tried to force his son's tongue out, but failed. Russia ended up playing around with his father's tongue.

Russia began grinding on his father. Rolling his hips with immense pressure. Soviet tried to get his hands free, but Russia held them in place. Russia darted his tongue down his father's throat, earning a couple gags. Eventually, Soviet let out a soft moan. It was quiet, but loud enough for Russia to hear. With that small conformation, Russia dragged his father to his room.

When Russia opened the door, he threw his father against the wall. He closed and locked the door behind him. He pinned his father's hands above his head, continuing to kiss him. Russia trailed kisses down his cheek and on his neck. Russia was dissatisfied and pulled away and went to his drawer. He pulling out a rope. Soviet tensed up at it. Russia took off Soviet's shirt and tied his hands over his head.

Russia went back what he was doing, kissing and sucking at his father's neck. Both his hands now travelling around his body. Touching every cut and rubbing on his lower back. Soviet shifted his legs, panting as he bit his lip. Soon enough, Russia found Soviet's sweet spot. His father moaned lightly as he shook a bit. Russia attacked that spot hard, biting, sucking, and even tearing at his skin. His father was a mess below him, sounds escaped and his lip was bleeding from bitting it so hard.

The Russian used one hand to unbuckle his belt. His father tensed when he heard it. Russia took out his very erect dick, stroking it a bit. Soviet looked down at it, whining as he saw a bit of pre-cum. Russia bit hard on his father's neck, making him moan loudly, though not loud enough that others could hear it. The bite was very visible and wouldn't go away any time soon.

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