Chapter 5

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Quigley's P.O.V.

A few weeks later...

Today something major happened! First it was a normal day. But when I met up with Fiona to do some finishing touches on the project, I noticed a poster behind her. I asked her what it was, and she said there was formal coming up, like a dance. I looked up at Fiona, who had stars in her eyes, and gave her an awkward smile. "What was that about," I thought. But I definitely know who I'm going to ask!

After school I decided I was going to ask Violet to the formal. I walked up to her and just straight up asked, "Do you want to go to the formal with me?" Her face lit up, but then the light went out, and she said, "I don't know, I think about it." As I was walking away confused, I saw Duncan heading towards me with a smile on his face. He walked right past me and up to Violet I don't really know what happened after that though.

Duncan's P.O.V.

This morning I found out that there was a formal coming, up so at the end of the day I gathered up my courage and was going to ask Violet to go with me. So I walked right up to her and asked her "Are you going to the dance?" "I probably will go with my friend Cassandra since neither of us has chosen a date yet." She said, as her face flushed pink. I could tell she was unsure. She looked up at me and said, "I don't know, I'll think about it." I smiled at her and walked away.

When I got home, Quigley was sitting in our room I sat down too. He seemed confused just ‍like me. 

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