"It's better than my scandal way back when", Valerie inputted.

The pair looked at her, "trust me you don't want to know".

Blair laughed, "you're famous because you got arrested – of course this happened to you"

"I just can't wait for this day to be over", Serena groaned, "the end of high school means the end of me on 'gossip girl'".

"Since I arrived here, she has plagued you more than anyone", Valerie affirmed.

"She was the first blast – 9th grade, if I remember correctly", Blair joined, "it involved a white dress, some rain, and a recently docked aircraft carrier".

"Impressive", Valerie muttered.

"Okay, let's just hope that my mug shot is the last thing she ever prints about me", Serena hoped.

"Look on the bright side", Blair added, "Gossip Girl does not report in college".

"Okay, can you just take my mind of me?", Serena sighed looking at Valerie, "talk about anything –".

"I love Valerie"?, "I love her?"; Blair voiced.

"I totally set myself up for that one", Serena chuckled as Valerie and Blair.

"You know how Chuck feels about you Valerie", Serena voiced.

Valerie rolled her eyes, "the problem isn't his feelings, it's his inability to express them to the right person", Valerie signaled herself, "who cares who he tells if he doesn't tell me?".

"Does he even know that you and Liam broke up?", Blair questioned.

Valerie looked at them, "how do you know-".

"We have our sources", Blair and Serena said simultaneously.

"Have you girls not told him?", Valerie questioned.

"It's not like we stay up at night, braiding each other's hair and having heart to hearts", Serena stated.

Blair reached over and took the menu from Serena's hand, "then why are we still here? By the way we've already paid the check".

"I've been meaning to remind you girls", Valerie laughed as they all got up.

Just as they walked through the doors, camera shutters started snapping as they walked towards the limo.


"Is that Valerie Carrington?".


Serena got in first, followed by Valerie, but Blair had other things in mind – those things being having her picture taken multiple times, before Valerie hauled her inside.


Back at Constance, Serena and Blair spilt from Valerie who saw her brother in the crowd.


He turned around, hugging his little sister.

"I thought you weren't going to make it", Valerie questioned, "your flight wasn't until tomorrow".

He nudged her a little bit, "didn't think I was going to miss my little sister's special day".

"Me neither!", Liam exclaimed coming next to Richard.

"Dad couldn't make it", Richard uttered as Valerie got emotional for a moment, "but he sends his best".

"I actually have to go get my cap and gown", Valerie stated as she quickly went into the building.

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