Rabecca's turn

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It was a beautiful morning in the woods, the birds chirping, rays of light from the heavens slicing through the sky, and different shades of green everywhere. Nearby there was a lake with a brilliant multicolored blue, like a river of sapphires. The wind was blowing a small breeze, not too hot, not too cold but just right. "Hey guys!" Rabecca said walking over to the group who was laughing while sitting on a picnic blanket and eating food. "The horn of plenty gives buffets! I got you pancakes with syrup, scrambled eggs, toast, and crispy bacon. Your favorite" Emma told her. "Thanks". After eating they started to pack up and go to the lake. "Look! Mary packed us towels and! I'm going for a swim, anyone coming?" Jason asked. "Me!" everyone but Holly exclaimed. "What about Holly?"Jason asked. "Just give me a minute". Satisfied, everyone ran to the lake and hopped in while Holly walked to the other side of the lake. "Powers... apple turned to water... waves on my dress... I wonder...". Then, Holly thrust her hands out to the lake and a giant wave hurtled across the lake. "Look out!" came screams from across the lake. As Holly smiled, she swirled her finger and a human sized world pool appeared. Holly stopped moving her finger, making the world pool disappear, and snapped a clear sharp snap. Suddenly it began to rain over the lake. She snapped again and the rain stopped. Smiling, she sprinted across the lake to her friends. When she got there she showed them what she could do and when she finished, they all looked at her in awe. When they recovered from the shock Emma said, "I wonder if we have powers too?". She taped a bush and it burt aflame. Jake stomped on the ground and a tree began to form. Jason whistled and a small lightning cloud appeared. Rabecca clapped and a human sized tornado appeared. At last, Annabell raised her hands and a snowman took form. Holly splashed the burning bush and stopped the fire. Then jake touched the bush and It was good as new. Suddenly, when all of the others were chatting happily about their new powers Jake said, "Uh... guys... this place is called ogre woods for a reason, look" pointing to a bunch of grotesque ogres hauling sacks and setting traps on the forest floor. Everyone turned away from the ogres and started sprinting away from the hideous ogres. when they were a safe way away from the ogres Rabecca said, "Man! their parents must have been mortified by them!" and everyone burst into giggles. When they stopped laughing they began to walk. Every hour or so they would get attacked by something whether it was snakes, lava horses, or vicious bunnies it had to be coming from the nightmare queen. They were sure of it. Suddenly the air turned sugary and sweet. The world around them was filled with lollipops, jelly beans, and gingerbread houses. Everyone looked at green-faced Rabecca thinking that she must be scared out of her mind. Then everybody hit a cold hard invisible barrier and fell to the ground except for Rabecca. "Oh, I get it. Rabecca, you have to go alone. We can't come", Emma said. Rabecca's stomach clenched up tighter than a fist. And she walked through the cotton candy mist. Finally she came up to a large gingerbread house and walked inside. "Well, hello dinner, I mean sweet girl", went the raspy voice of a witch. "Hello! Do you eat children", asked Rabecca. "Because if you do you do not want to eat me because I am a master chief at cooking children." She was struggling for words because she was so terrified. "Well, you would be good to eat but if you are a master chief I'll eat you later", the witch said then hesitated and said. "You know what? I'll just eat you now!". The witch went to her cauldron and made the water boil. Singing to herself the witch opened up a book and Rabecca noticed a bookmark in it with part of the wand of wonderment on it. Rabecca thought for a while until she got an idea. She waited until the witch was by the boiling cauldron and sent a gust of wind pushing the witch into the cauldron. "Aieee", screamed the witch and then stopped. Rabecca opened the cage door, grabbed the bookmark and ran out of the house. She ran down the path until she saw her friends. She sprinted over to them and knocked one of them over. "Ouch", called Annabell. "I am so sorry, Annabell. But look. I got the piece", Rabecca exclaimed thrusting the bookmark up above her head."Congrats! you're not afraid any more of those evil dirt faces!  Tell us everything", Jason exclaimed. Smiling, Rabecca replied, "Well, first I walked 30 minutes until I saw this candy house and I walked inside. Then, I saw the hag and she tried to eat me but I blew her into her caldron. After that I found this bookmark with the lollipop on it and I recognized it from the wands picture. "Guys, it's 7 o'clock at night, we should hurry and then settle for the night", Holly said. "Where did you learnt his stuff and how do you know what time it is?" asked Jason curious. "My... dad loved this kind of thing." The six knew that she and her dad were very close and he died a year ago by a shark attack. "I am sorry", Jason apologized feeling regretful and ashamed. "It's ok. You... you didn't know". Holly replied almost in tears. "Run!" Jake screamed. Confused, the others looked around frantically. Then they saw it. It was coming right at them. They fled not thinking about being caught because what would happen is to dreadful. Ghosts. It was ghosts chasing them. They were on ghost horses with no eyes and long sharp blades in their hand. Their weapons were saturated in blood. Suddenly lightning bolts came from the sky but nothing happened. Emma tried to set them aflame but it only made things worse. Jake split the ground! Now! "Everybody screamed after they told to Jake to split the ground Jakes split it and all the ghosts fell in. Panting to catch their breath, Annabell said, "guys it is dark. We should settle down". Everybody thought it was a good idea and sat down. "My cat, I miss her. She was a red tabby and she had a sassy attitude" Holly said looking at her feet. The thought of her cat made her stomach do jumping jacks. Holly pointed at a patch of grass and out of nowhere, cats made of water appeared. "Wow!" Rabecca exclaimed. "Guys, I'll take the first watch. Go to sleep", Jake said. Everybody said their goodnights and dozed off.

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