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20 May 2018

Charlotte's POV

Today was the brother trust event, I still went to school felt more confident, and Melissa didn't bother me or anyone else.

"Lottie are you ready, we headed to the car now," Harry poked his head in my room. All of us were wearing the same thing, a black brother's trust merch, black pants, and a pair of trainers. "yeah I'm ready. " I answered him, heading out the door.


We got there before any of the fans, we got in, with me Tom' back giving me a piggyback ride to the theatre.

Once in, we took photos as a family, and Harrison of course, looked around, prepared last minute things.


It was around 8:55 when the fans started to arrive, me, dad, the twins and Paddy were standing outside, where the fans were, needless to say there was so many. While we were talking with the security, and people who are helping organizing they place.

Paddy and I were laughing and playing around.He was picking me up and spinning around, while i was giggling like a mad girl. "Alright you two, stop it." Harry smiled. once Paddy put me down, I saw a few fans recording me and Paddy which I didn't mind. Right then, Sam picked me up. Him and Harry where walking back into the theatre

(i don't know why it's flipped, but this what i mean)

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(i don't know why it's flipped, but this what i mean)

Sam and Harry both waved to some fans, I just kept my head on his shoulder. We got to the theatre, and it was Harry job to tell the fans where to go, while me and Sam just stood there, occasionally helping him.

Once all the fans went into the screening me and the rest went backstage, when Tom came in as said that it was time for him to greet the fans, and that he wanted me with on stage, I tried telling him that I didn't want to, he insisted, and so did the rest.

he carried me in his arms, with a microphone in the other, and walked out. The fans cheered once they saw Tom. " Hello everyone." He waved to everyone. "If you don't I'm Tom Holland, and this is my little sister Charlotte, thank you to everyone who donated the money goes to a great cause. So before you watch the film, I'll be answering questions."

After a lot of question, during the middle of a girls question. "Tom where is mum, I wanna go to her." I whispered in his ear, distracting him from the girl's question. "I'm sorry give me a minute." he put the microphone, and called an assistant backstage, and told to take me back to mum.

I saw mum and dad, setting up the photo op. "mum!" I yelled causing her to turn around along with dad. She smiled once she saw me. I ran into her open arms hugging her. "What's the matter darling?" She asked.

"I don't like being in front of a crowd, and I think some of the fans didn't like seeing me on stage with Tom." I said sniffling. Mum rubbed my back. "Oh darling don't let them get to you, you're better than that right?" Dad ressured me. "Yeah." I smiled, maybe I was a bit overthinking it.


The film had just finished, and so did the photo op. We put out a few snacks out of the fans. While the fans took more pictures with Sam, Harry, Paddy, or Harrison.

Paddy, Harrison, and I were talking and laughing, when a shy fan came up to us. "Um hi can I get a picture with you three?" She asked, wow she wants to take a picture with me, I thought. "Yeah sure." Harrison replied as she positioned her phone to fit us all in the shot. "Thank you, also can I get a hug." she timidly asked. Without answering Harrison opened his arm, and she hugged him, then Paddy, then shockily me. "bye." She waved, we waved back.

After a few more minutes, I felt really tired, Harry must a felt me leaning against his arm, he looked down at me, and pick me up. I rested my head on his shoulder, and closed my eyes.


Harry's POV

Once I felt Charlotte fall asleep on my shoulder, I heard a camera click. I look over to see Mum smiling as she saw the picture she took. "I believe it's time we go back home. Harry, you and Sam take Lottie and Paddy back home. We'll catch up." Mum said. I nodded as I went to go look for Sam.

"Sam!" I called out to him, he turned around. "What?" he asked. "Well lottie is asleep, and mum said to take her home, and please can you take her." I informed him. "Yeah sure, let's leave." He said as I handed him Lottie.


Once we found Paddy we headed to Sam's car, and waved one last time before leaving. He put Lottie in the back, and buckled her before he got in the driver's seat, and drove home.

When we got home, Sam went up stairs to put Lottie to bed, and also to change, as did Paddy and I.

about half-an-hour, mum and dad came, after dropping off Tom, and Harrison to their flat. While Sam and mum were making dinner, I saw lottie coming down the stairs.

"Lotso." I exclaimed once I saw her. She smiled "hi." she said tiredly

"perfect timing darling dinner is ready." mum smiled at her. "Great because I'm starving." she said.

Once dinner was served we talked about today, and all the stuff. After dinner, we watched a film, and in the living room we slept.

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