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22 April 2018

Charlotte's POV.

All of us but Tom were free along with Harrison, they had to do last minute stuff for the premiere tomorrow. So decided to go and explore the city on LA  


We went to Hollywood Boulevard, I was holding hands with my mum, while Harry was taking pictures of may things. It was peace of until. "My god, are you Harry Holland?" A fan asked, Harry smiled. "Yeah I'm love."

"Can we take a picture?" Her friend asked. harry looked behind him, as if asking permission from mum, while she nodded to him.

Once they got their picture,  before they left they shot me a dirty look, I just ignored them .

We continued to walk around Hollywood. We then headed back to the hotel


We were waiting on Tom to come back for dinner.

"Well I'm off to the spa." Mum waved "boys take care of your sister." And left.


The twins, mum and I had just finished dinner, when Tom came back.

"We're back." Tom strutting through the room, along with Harrison. "Everyone ready for the premiere tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm excited to meet all the actresses and actors." I stated. "You mean you're dying to meet Sebastian Stan." Harry teased. I blushed hard.

"Well we all need to go to bed we have a busy day tomorrow, Goodnight everyone." Tom said leaving with Harrison.

"He's right, we should be going to asleep as well." Harry said.

"Come one Lottie let's go to sleep we'll be tried if we don't." Mum said as she mentioned me to follow her. I obliged, and left with her. "Goodnight." I told the twins.


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