"Okay okay, you can stop now," he pulled at my hand to the blanket on the ground... No, it's not a ceiling, it's a roof. On the roof.

"Would you like to see what your meal will be tonight mademoiselle?"

"It would delight me Monsieur"

We both giggled as we sat down. Adrien dramatically took hold of the cover and announced, "we are going to be having... Some gourmet..." He lifted the cover to reveal, "pizza!" Under the cover was a box of take out pizza, fresh and warm, steam coming out the top.

"Yay!" I clapped my hands, laughing at the comical display. He joined along and we both took a piece.

It was quiet for a bit while we are, simply enjoying each other's company. We started to talk about random things when I had an idea.

"Hey, you know those 'first date questions' online?"


"We should totally do some of those"

He chuckled at the thought, "that'll be fun."

I pulled some up on my phone and started to scroll through while he looked for ones on his own.

I found one first, "so why does sour cream have an expiration  date and how do you know if it's still good?"

"Ooo, that's a good one, I'd probably still eat it until it got mold on it..."

I had to think about it, "yeah me too."

"Do people ever vanish without a trace?"

"Well you heard about that Spanish magician right?"

He seemed confused, "no?"

"Well he was doing his final act of his show, he said to the audience, 'I will now disappear on the count of three' everyone waited in anticipation." Adrien seemed very curious, "he started to count down, uno, duos, and then he vanished, without a tres..." I was giggling by the end and it seemed contagious.

I found another question, "have you ever noticed that easy open packages are never easy open?"

"That is so true!" He looked at his phone, "okay, worst house guest story, go."

I knew immediately who it was, "Kevin"

Understanding crossed his face, "it's always a Kevin."

"When I was in BC, (British Columbia) I think he was like the lady's cousin or something, and he needed a place to stay for the night. He crashed on MY bed, went to the bathroom with the door open," I shuddered.

"You didn't..."

"No! I didn't see anything luckily, but he was drunk the whole time he was there and he was constantly looking for even more alcohol, even when they didn't have any."

He looked like he understood my exasperation.

My turn, "are you ticklish?"

He paused, thinking, "no?"

I smirked, "one way to find out!" I dived over the pizza box on top of him, poking all over his torso, trying to find his sweet spot. He kept jerking when I stabbed his ribs, so I continued to do so, causing him to laugh.

We both got a bit tired from all the laughing and sat down together, he got his breath back before me. "So, are you?" My eyes widened. Before I could respond he was on top of me, tickling my sides.

I tried not to laugh, but it proved impossible as I tried to curl in a ball. I grabbed a pillow and started to smack him before he tickled me harder causing me to drop it.

He slowed down once I was out of breath and nearly wheezing. He stayed hovering above me as I caught my breath. I lied there smiling while he stared at me in what I could only describe as wonder. I made a facial expression that I hoped asked 'what?'

"Gosh I love you" he peppered my face with kisses before I grabbed his.

I pulled him in for a proper kiss, slow, long, and one that will never get old.

All in the light of the setting sun and the Eiffel Tower.


Hey! Just wanted to say thank you for all the support! We reached over 11k reads and over 700 votes guys! This is amazing.

I seriously love you guys so much, don't be afraid to contact me I want to hear from you in any way, comments email, PM, anything.

Have a fantastic day my little Cotton tails!


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