Ch 59

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"Adrien, is (y/n) there? I need to speak with her." Trenton seemed out of breath, like he had ran or maybe he was nervous.

I didn't know how I felt about all of this, I was glad it wasn't me in the doorway at the moment.

Adrien got to answer instead, "what about?"

There was a pause where all I could hear was breathing.

"Well, um, I," he stuttered and then sighed, "I need to apologize to her." He took another pause before adding, "please."

Adrien gave me a reassuring squeeze into his back before replying, "(y/n)'s kind of occupied at the moment, but I'll see if she can make time for you... Sit tight." He then closed the door and turned to me.

We took a couple steps away from the doorway to prevent being heard. I wrapped my arms around myself and Adrien placed his hands on my shoulders. We sat there in silence, reading each other's expressions, trying to see what to do.

Adrien spoke first, "so, I guess you heard him, he wants to apologize."

I nodded a couple times to acknowledge, still thinking.

"I totally support any decision you make, I can let him in or send him away, no problem."

I really didn't know quite what I wanted yet, but before I could voice my thoughts Marinette walked over.

"Who was at the door?" She asked curiously, but it changed to confusion. "Er, why are you still here? Is everything all right?"

I answered, "It's... It's Trenton... He says he wants to apologize."

"For what?"

"I don't know, I'm trying to decide if I should let him in or not."

"Well," she placed a hand on my arm, "me and Adrien will be right there next to you if you let him in. To both support you and make sure he doesn't try any funny business."

I couldn't help but giggle a little bit. It helped calm my nerves. After another moment of hesitation I finally turned and walked to the door. I felt Adrien behind me when I opened it.

On the other side of the door I found Trenton pacing and messing with his hands. When he notice I was standing there he looked at me with a nervous expression painted on his face.

I put on the bravest face I could, "so, I hear you want to talk."

He nodded, so I stepped aside to let him in. I turned to lead him to the living room and found Marinette had left the entryway and sat where she was before. I sat down on the end of the couch closest to the other empty chair, motioning for Trenton to sit. Adrien sat next to me on the coach.

I waited for Trenton to sit down but I found him moving slowly, nervously, and glancing at Marinette and I. When he finally sat down he met eyes with his girlfriend and spoke.

"I, uh, I didn't know you were here Mari"

"My friend wasn't feeling so good the last couple days so I decided to check up on her... Trenton." She replied coldly.

Her manner of speaking made me realize that I hadn't seen them together for a while. It just dawned on me that perhaps they had had a fallout from Mari discovering me and Trenton's previous relationship.

Marinette is way to good for me. I am not a good enough friend for her...

My thoughts got interrupted by the ever awkward, "ah" from Trenton.

I let the awkwardness stew for a couple moments before showing mercy, "What did you want to talk about?"

"Right! Um well, like I said," he gestured at Adrien, "I wanted to apologize."


"Want! I want to apologize!"

He seemed so nervous and I wasn't above making him sweat a bit. Now that I think about it I have never seen him so nervous, the last time I saw him so off guard was when I startled him when we first met.

"Now, I know that this is long. Long overdue, but," before this he was staring at his fiddling hands, but he raised his head to make eye contact with me. "I am so sorry. I realized that I was such a jerk! And -- well let me go back. When that song, spread over Paris, now no words or science could ever explain it, but--" he placed a hand over his heart, "I hurt." He stared into my eyes for a moment.

"Maybe that's why it was in a song..."

He broke eye contact and looked down whispering, "that would be poetic wouldn't it... Anyway, it hurt, and, then I thought, 'did I make (y/n) feel like this? Did I hurt her?'" he sat forward in his seat and shifted closer to me, making eye contact once more. "Cuz I meant what I said, I want us to be friends, I think you are amazing, but--" he turned his eyes to Marinette, "I really, really like Marinette." He turned his head to me, but his eyes trailed from my friend, "I hate that I hurt you. You deserve way less pain than what you have received."

I felt Adrien give my knee a squeeze as if agreeing with his statement. I tore my gaze from my ex to my boyfriend to see him give me a loving, sympathetic nod, before looking at Trenton again for him to continue.

"Now I understand if none of you want to ever want to see or hear of me again. And I understand if you'll never forgive me, but I still have to put this out here." He now periodically shifted his gaze back and forth between the two girls in the room. "Now I'll say it again that I regret the way I did it, I was the jerkyest jerk on the face of the planet but--"

"At least you didn't do I over text," I cut him off to unleash my smart mouth and maybe make him feel a bit better.

He have a quiet huff before saying, "still stands, but I would have broke up again to be with you Marinette. In a totally less jerky way mind you!!" He waved his arms with his recovery when I raised my eyebrows. "And-- now I'm going to feel like a jerk to you again if I say this..." He sent me kind of a grimace.

I kept my face completely blank, "it's okay, you can say it. I have a boyfriend ten times better than you that can help me feel better afterwards."

At mention of him Adrien wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer, burying his face in my neck. He placed a soft kiss there before pulling back again, causing me to  smile and blush lightly.

Trenton also turned a bit red and looked at Mari again, "you are the most amazing girl I have ever laid eyes on. You are so beautiful, smart, and the kindest person I have ever met. Who ever you choose to date will be so lucky--"

"He's got that right sister!"

"Now," he said gravely, "I repeat that I would understand if you never wanted to talk to me again, but I do ask forgiveness from both of you. I do not expect to receive it, but what's the shame in asking?"

"The shame comes in asking stupid questions."

His face paled and he looked down.


He looked at me.

I sighed, did I really want to do this? I've been holding on to it for too long, and heaven knows I need a lighter load.

"I forgive you. I agree you were a jerk, and it's not okay, and we are not going to be on the best of terms for a while. We have to work up to it."

He nodded his head quickly.

"And I can see you really like her," I nodded toward Marinette, "so if you treat her right, I wouldn't object to you two getting together, but that's up to her."

Trenton looked almost too happy so I decided to bring him down a notch, "that being said if she says no I would happily kick you to the curb."

That did it nicely. The attention was now turned to Mari.

She examined him carefully before replying, "I'll forgive you," there was a fateful pause, "and I guess we can start over, see how it goes."

Trenton looked like he would combust.

She continued, "now would you like to walk me home?" She seemed smug with a smile playing on her lips as she stood.

"Yes of course!" He hurried and grabbed my hands, "thankyouthankyouthankyou." He sped to the door and opened it for Mari. He sent a wave our way before closing it behind him with the biggest smile on his face.

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