"No need to waste your time on an old tom like me," Appleleaf meowed. "I remember what it was like to be an apprentice, and a new warrior. It comes with a lot of responsibility. I'll see you at your ceremony," He meowed, and touched his nose against hers.

"I'll see you," Skypaw meowed as she watched him pad away.


"Let all cats gather!" Sunstar's deep meow boomed through the camp. Excitement and nervousness pricked through Skypaw as her and her sisters frantically finished grooming themselves in the apprentices' den.

"This is the last time we'll be in here!" Rainpaw squealed. Shadepaw finished brushing the fur down on her flank. Excited squeaks from Featherfur's four kits could be heard from outside of the nursery. Skypaw recalled Russetsky had informed her that Featherfur's kits would be becoming apprentices at the same time that Skypaw and her sisters would become warriors.

Exiting the den, Skypaw was surprised to find that most of the Clan had already found their seats  in the clearing. News that her and her littermates had passed their assessments had spread quickly. Glancing over near the nursery, Skypaw saw Flowermoon sitting patiently outside of the den. Next to her was Featherfur and Bumblefoot, desperately trying to keep their kits' fur groomed as they waited to become apprentices.

Brackenkit caught Skypaw's gaze. "Skypaw!" He hollered out a greeting. He almost bolted over to her, but Featherfur caught him by his scruff in her mouth. He squirmed in her mouth and Skypaw saw Bumblefoot giving the striped kit a stern lecture. Brackenkit then stayed still and was set back on the ground. He still stared over at Skypaw, but had given up his passionate pursuit to go over and see her. She waved her tail at him.

She couldn't believe Featherfur's kits were already becoming apprentices. She remembered so clearly the day that they were born. She had just fallen out of the Sky Oak, and Hazelflower had kept her company in the medicine den. Willowleaf was so preoccupied by Featherfur's difficult birth that she hadn't kicked Hazelflower out of the den as she normally would.

"We have multiple ceremonies to do today," Sunstar meowed. Skypaw cocked her head. Was that annoyance in his voice?

"First, we have four kits who are to become apprentices," He meowed. Brightkit let out an excited squeal, much to Featherfur's embarrassment. Amberkit and Spottedkit shifted excitedly on their paws, but Brackenkit stood still with his head held high, unsurprisingly after Bumblefoot's lecture.

"Brightkit," Sunstar's deep meow rang through the camp. "Please come forward."

Featherfur and Bumblefoot gave their daughter an encouraging glance as she made her way to her leader. Looking up at the fiery tom with her excited eyes, she stared at him, expectantly.

"Brightkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Brightpaw. Your mentor will be Blizzardfur. I hope Blizzardfur will pass down all she knows to you."

Brightpaw's tail was held high. Blizzardfur, also looking proud to be taking on her first apprentice, stepped forward.

"Blizzardfur, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Appleleaf, and you have shown yourself to be strong and intelligent. You will be the mentor of Brightpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to her."

Featherfur and Bumblefoot were the first to cheer. The rest of the Clan soon followed. Brightpaw and Blizzardfur touched noses in greeting and found seats in the crowd. Sunstar had a look of irritation when he noticed that he still had to perform three more apprentice ceremonies, and then three warrior ceremonies.

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