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It had been two weeks since they had disappeared. Two weeks since Y/N had last seen Tony and Peter. 

Two weeks since Thanos had won.

Two weeks since Half the world had disappeared in a single snap.

It had been two weeks since the hope slowly, yet visibly, began to extinguish into despair.

Two weeks since the remaining Avengers had come back to the base, the old memories beginning to haunt them.

Nobody had talked much, nor touched their plates or gone out of their rooms. Only Steve seemed to make an effort to get out of bed in the morning. Yet he too seemed to be slowly engulfed within the clutches of grief and misery.

Nobody seemed to be able to cope with another day of having to be reminded of that unmentionable day. They decided to keep it unspoken, treating it as some horrible nightmare instead.

Pepper had stayed fixed inside Tony's lab, waiting for a sign, however small, to show that he was still alive and well. She sat there for most of the day, unable to touch her food as she bit down on her lip anxiously.

Thor had quickly descended into a depression, detaching himself from the rest of the world. Steve had explained that he felt responsible for what had happened.

Everyone did.

Nat trained tirelessly, day and night. She had lost weight, and her complexion had gone pale. Her appearance seemed to grow worse when she found out that Clint had lost his entire family and had gone missing.

Rhodey tried to act normal, even if he knew that nothing would go back to normal again. 

Bruce tried his best to keep everyone's spirits up, trying to be cheerful. He quickly seemed to give up when he realised that no matter what, nothing could make things better again. 

Even Rocket, the newest acquaintance to Y/N, had seemed to lock himself away, not a single sarcastic comment being heard from him.

Steve was the only one who seemed to be able to deal with the grief that surrounded him. And even then, everyone knew he was fighting his own silent battle. 

It was a Monday, or perhaps a Tuesday when Y/N had decided to get out of bed and open her bedroom door. 

She opened her bedroom door for the first time since that dreaded day, her eyes red and puffy, her hair uncombed, her figure pale and fragile. Y/N took a deep breath, taking a step forward into the hall. 

She hated to admit that the main reason she had stayed locked up in her room was because she didn't want anyone to see her face. The puffy eyes, the red cheeks, the tears...the face that gave pity to anyone who saw it.

It didn't matter now, though. 

Everyone was upset. 

Y/N dragged herself downstairs, keeping her head held low incase she might bump into someone. 

Part of her yearned for some fresh air whilst the other half just wanted to stay in bed all day. 

The girl sighed, sniffing before she entered the kitchen. 

Memories of Peter and Tony flashed her mind as she stared at the empty room, her heart dropping at the sight of the coffee machine. Tony had always treasured it, claiming it made the best coffee in the world and that some famous Italian guy had given it to him. 

Peter's empty stool at the kitchen island sent shivers down her back. She could almost see him sitting before her with a wide grin, his science fair mug in front of him. 

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