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Sophia POV

It's been a week since I've last seen him he left me kind of confused. He said when we first broke up that he would never stop trying to get me back . I believed him but I know I would never go back . He was the first to break my heart I let him get that close which I regret because I don't let anyone get that close

This week was very long and tough let me show y'all how my schedule looked

Sunday - Church with Kofi and Lauren , I cooked , cleaned up a little , we walked around downtown .

Monday : Psychology class 8am-1pm
Political Science 4-8pm . I didn't eat breakfast or lunch . I got home around  9:30 because class drug longer than expected. I went to sleep only getting 3 hours worth because i remembered I had a paper to type about the Supreme Court . Lucky me

Tuesday : Workout 10-12:30pm . Political Science 1:30-5.

Wednesday: Psychology 10-12 . Volleyball Training 2-4 . Hung out with a couple of friends from my Psychology class and we worked on a project that took all night . By 2:13

Thursday : No classes . Had to go to a seminar for "mentor training" I didnt listen to any of it ( 10-12pm )   

And today is Friday August 30th and it is 2:34 .

As my body started to awake I tried fighting my body so I could go back to sleep . College is the real definition of sleep deprived the week alone I've probably only gotten 10 hours of sleep . Emory was by far the hardest college to attend in Atlanta.

When I realized that my body wasn't allowing me to go back to sleep I heard a loud bang on the door . I sat up in my bed slowly rubbing my eyes .

The loud banging continued and it started making me angry.

"WHO IS IT" I yelled getting out of my bed .SLOWLY .

No on responded and the loud banging continued . At this point I grabbed my gun out the draw next to my door and walked towards the door. The peep whole was covered and whoever it was wouldn't stop banging.

I was fumbling with the locks until all 3 where unlocked and I stepped back a few steps holding the gun up taking it off safety . "Come in" i said loudly .

They slowly opened the door and no surprise it was Lauren goofy ass .

She screamed when she saw the gun and ran back out the door . I started breathing hard not realizing that I was holding my breathe . I quickly put the gun back on safety putting it back in my drawer.

I the front door back up and looked outside the door to see Lauren sitting on the wall . I walked outside the door looking down at her frowning. "Don't be banging on my door like that next time I might put a cap in yo ass girl" I said chuckling.

She looked up "Did you put it away" she said shyly . I rolled my eyes "Yes" I then put out my hand to help her up . She grabbed my hand for support getting up and we walked into my apartment .

Damn I been this girl Mentor for 5 seconds and already broke her

I walked in after Lauren and closed the door locking all 3 locks .

Lauren walked into the Kitchen and sat the the counter next to the sink looking at me with a weird look .

"What's on yo mind Lo" I said leaning back on the island counter top
facing her direction.

"Fuck what's on my mind why the hell you gotta gun Sophia" she looked at me slightly frowning . "To defend myself" I said discreetly as possible

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