Chapter Twenty-Three: Son of a Bat

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NOTE: This (and the other two chapters after it) was originally written for in a spin off book, son of a Bat. I'm telling you guys this because the format for this book is a little weird... After three years, it just didn't make sense to me to have two parts separated by two books.
Also, the cover up above for the story was made by rosella76 check her out. She makes amazing covers and great books ^^
Anyway, this book won't be even now but oh well. Thanks for reading!

{Talia's POV}
"Is that my father?" I nod.
"He will be here soon." I say to my son.

Bruce's POV
I came to a penthouse in Gotham that Talia was using. I was in my Batman costume because I had to do a patrol. I went in.
"Hello beloved. Care for a drink?"
"Last time that didn't go so well."
"No. But you enjoyed it." Talia replied turning around to face me with cunning eyes.
"Some parts."
"How intriguing." She comes closer to me inches away from my face. I pushed her away.
"What do you want Talia?"
"*sighs* My father is dead. Assassins are trying to get control of the League."
"I'm sorry." I replied.
"There is no time for mourning. The assassins are lead by a man who my father thought could be his successor until you came along. They are going to us."
"Not you. Me and your son."
"Son?" Talia goes over to a curtain and revels a 13-year old boy.
"You expect to believe this?"
"I assure you he's yours." The boy comes over to me and looks me up and down.
"Don't look so stunned Father. I thought you'd be taller." I go out of penthouse with him.
"You didn't know about me?"
"So mother has made me your responsibility?"
"Something like that."
"This isn't necessary. I do fine by myself.
"So do I but things have changed. She thinks you'll be better off with me. For now."
"What do you think?"
"Better than with League of Assassins."
"They taught me how to fight!"
"And I take it not much else." I say then call the Batmobile.
"I'll drive." He says.
"No." I reply.
"I know how."
"No!" I say as we drive back to my home.

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