Chapter Four: A Surprise Guest and the Baby Comes!!!

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Cassandra's POV
After the "dressing fiasco" the girls and me went down stairs to eat dinner.

Barbara's POV
I followed close behind Cass, trying not to clip her shoes. We wore jeans and sleeveless shirts. I wore one that said "free" and Cass' said "live your life". Everyone was waiting for us- even Jason!
"Where's Stephanie?" Tim asked (I swear he loves her!).
"She's not here." I replied.

Cassandra's POV
I had remained silent until that point. (I'm getting better with my communication.)
"I don't where she went. The last I saw her was when I told her to hurry up and get changed." I said calmly.
"She'll probably be here soon." Barbara added turning her head to see if Steph was around. We then all heard footsteps stomping down the stairs.

Stephanie's POV
I had to run to my apartment because I realized that I only had my Spoiler costume here. So I had to do the following: climb out my window, rush over to my Dad's house (I'm only 16 so I still legally have to stay with him, until I move, or the police find out what he's done.) Anyway, I had to grab all my clothes, make sure he didn't notice me sneaking in, (I prefer not to make eye contact with him) run all the way back to Wayne Manor, go through the hedges, (which I got leaves covered all over my jeans!) climb through my window, and catch my breath. Phew! I came running down the stairs again.
"Sorry!" I screamed as I ran down. "Hey, where were you Steph?" Babs asked me.
"Oh...I...was..running...all the"
"Can't we just eat? I'm starving!" Jason exclaimed cutting me off. That was good considering I had no room to breathe! With that, we all sat down. Bruce was the end chair, Jason sat next to him on the right,then Tim, then Dick. The girls and I sat on the left. It was Cass, me and then Babs. There was one chair left. No one sat in it. Who knows? Maybe Bruce's daughter or son would sit in that chair?

~nine months later~

Bruce's POV
Nine months had passed. Nothing important had happened except for an occasional robbery. The only thing that I could think of was Selina's child- our child. She did agree to my offer but moved out about a month ago. She said she was missing home. I suddenly got a phone call. It was Selina!
"Selina?" I asked.

~Selina's apartment~

Catwomen's POV
I was just at home about to watch some TV until I heard some water leaking. I looked down. My water broke!!! I called Bruce. He picked up the phone immediately after two rings.
"Bruce?" I said over the phone. "My water broke!!! It's coming!!! The baby's coming!!!!"

~Wayne Manor~

Batman's POV
I heard the news.
"Alfred!!! Tim!!!" I yelled, "the baby's coming!!!" We rushed over there. I got Selina and rushed into the car. Tim said that he asked Dick to pick him up. So it was just Selina, Alfred and me rushing to the hospital.

Tim's POV
The truth is that I didn't want to be in that car and besides I felt like Bruce was going to kiss Catwomen and call her "baby" or whatever, so I asked Dick to give me a lift. He came in on his motorcycle.
"Sorry to say but Babs is driving you instead." Dick said. Sure enough she came in with Cass in the front and Steph in the back. Babs told me to hurry so I ran to the car.

Stephanie's POV
Tim ran in the car like a madman and sat next to me.
"Drive!!!" I shouted and we sped off. At one point we came to a traffic light. Babs was getting impatient. As we waited I noticed that Tim's hand was an inch from mine so I snatched the opportunity. I touched his hand. He looked up at me with surprise and then squeezed it. I grinned from ear to ear. The light finally changed the green and we sped off again.

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