Mother fights for baby girl

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The year was 2016 a baby girl was born her name was Genevieve. This particular little girl was born into a family of three with a older sister and a loving mother and father. Once Genevieve was around 1 month old she started to get ear infections and these were no ordinary infection this was one that was not going away. The doctors tried more than 4 different antibiotics and nothing was working for this poor little baby girl. Finally the family pediatrician referred miss Genevieve to an ear specialist. He determined that after 2 months of antibiotics and nothing helping that she needed tubes placed in her ears. The doctor informed the parents that Genevieve could be having hearing problems with all the wax being trapped in the ear and no where to drain so at 3 months old she had her first surgery which only took fifteen minutes for the dr to perform. This little baby was a trooper she did cry after this procedure but as they were walking out of the hospital you could see that she could hear better she was looking around and hearing things for the first time. Within the next month baby girl went to her pediatrician for her 4 month injections, shortly after mother and father noticed swelling on her right knee. Mother was so worried did she accidentally pull her out of the high chair wrong and hurt her knee, or did she get her knee stuck in between the crib panels and hurt it, mother didn't know so she took her back to the doctor. Of course the doctor was unsure as well was this an injury of fault by the child herself or did the parents or grandparents hurt this child's leg so he ran an xray test. This test did come back normal and so mother was giving antibiotics and tylenol for pain. Months have passed and the swelling has increased on the right knee and now after her 6 months shots baby girl gets swelling in her left ankle as well. Mother thinking this can't be another injury takes Genevieve to  different hospitals,and even tries mulitple urgent cares and it ends the same way, possible injury and given antibiotics and tylenol for pain. One day Genevieve's grandmother was reading about this little girl with the same symptoms as her precious granddaughter and tells mother to ask the doctor to check a blood test for arthritis. Do remember by this time little Genevieve is already 10 months old and is unable to crawl or even try and take a step,where most babies would be crawling already and trying to walk. Genevieve had the severely swollen right knee and left ankle and was only able to crawl while keeping the right knee up at all time so only scooting across the ground with one leg,poor baby. Mother had already switched to a new doctor hoping this one would know what was wrong and stop acusing her of hurting the child accidentally. With nothing else to loose mother tells the doctor to do a blood test for arthritis, the doctor orders the test but not before giving his opinion that this is extremely rare for a child so young. The next day mother gets a call it's the doctor and wouldn't you know the test came back positive for arthritis, doctor says to mother they didn't do this test before because it is so rare for a child so young to have this condition. After more than 5 months of mother fighting for her daughter,who could only show her mother pain by holding her knee and saying ouch, she was going to see a specialist at a Children's Hospital. The time for fighting for her daughter wasn't over yet because the specialist was not trying to see Genevieve for another 2 months and with all the pain she was in and not being able to crawl her mother had to yell and speak with head of hospital to get her daughter in sooner. The family traveled a three hour drive to see this specialist who was mad with mother for going above her to get them seen sooner and mother repeated, "I'm sorry but I have to speak for my child who can not and I will fight for her to get better." The specialist started up a plan of action for this type of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis which she had in the right knee and left ankle,which consisted of steroid injection and evaporation of any fluid build up which is why baby girl couldn't fully extend her knee. Genevieve was not even one year old and she was on number two of surgery but this time for the fluid evaporation it was unsuccessful due to the thickening of the fluid around the knee because so much time had passed with being undiagnosed. The next step of the plan for this condition was to start her on naproxen for pain and swelling along with a low dose cancer medication and a few extra medications one to protect the stomach and one vitamin to help absorb the medication better. With this course of action Genevieve was able to stand on her own and along with physical therapy twice a week she was able to limp around holding on to items. The specialist wanted more of a result so she started Genevieve on in home injections once a week which her mother would give her along with the previous medications and physical therapy. Only 3 weeks into the injections and Genevieve was able to turn in a circle all by herself without holding on and from then on got better and better. Genevieve was starting to walk now already passing one year old and she was starting to have more confidence in her own walking. By age two Genevieve is barley learning to jump and run things her mother thought were impossible for her daughters future. Genevieve does still have this arthritis which did spread to both ankles now but along with medications and physical therapy she is growing up to be a normal three year old. You know mother is so intune with her kids health it was only fate that when Genevieve older sister started having swelling on her ankle mother knew what test for doctors to check for and like they say mother is always right.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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