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Yes, some of us are not so good with following the rules, trust me I know but we are doing this for your benefit so please bare with us, don't worry like I said we are an easy going community so don't stress folks :)


•To take part you should be a member in the bookclub. To do so you will need to follow the admins on this account. Fill the forms that will be posted in the next chapter.

•The members accounts will be checked by the admins to see if you have followed accordingly, if you have not you will not be able to join.

•Your book must be in English

•You must have four or more chapters to join. Prologue included.

•All the books you are assigned will have to be added to a separate reading list,
" Bookclub Newbies 2019 "
If you wish to continue reading the book you were assigned in your first assignment then go ahead and add it to your library for updates, this is completely your choice if you wish to.

• only one book per member can be submitted.

• We do not except poetry, random and short stories.
( if your short story has more than 15 chapters then you can PM Kayxwriterr  or Wolfie_R  to discuss further if you wish to join)

Every member will be followed by the admins for the next 2 months.

Communicate with each other don't be shy you will be partnered up with other members to read each other's books. Make friends guys! 💯
If there are any difficulties in understanding our rules or form please, don't hesitate to PM us.

What needs to be done in the assignments

>You must vote and comment on each THREE chapters you are supposed to read. ( this goes both ways, just as you read the other writers book, he/she will be doing the same to yours)

>Your comments should have a total of 130 words in all the chapters. It does not have to be one whole paragraph, it can be inline comments as well. This is your choice, all you have to do at the end is comments on all 3 chapters with a word count of (130).

> The comments should be friendly and supportive. Give you honest reaction to the writer. It would help the writer more if you give them a short review for each chapter you read.

> we do not except harsh comments, the admins will be keeping a close eye on you, and if you do so then you will be given a warning.
Our family is about love and support guys! 💕

When you finish your assignment comment "done" and tag the book club in the last chapter you were assigned to read.
In each comment you are to write #BCN so we can easily identify you.
When you are done come back to your assignment page and comment done by tagging the two admins in the comments

#BCN that was great! I love how well you have written this chapter. Toby is so cute! 💕

At the end, go back to the bookclub and comment.

" Done. Read 1-3 chapters Kayxwriterr Wolfie_R "

That's about it guys. Please follow the rules, they are very important for this to work.
We need your support here.

The forms will be posted shortly :)

BOOKCLUB NEWBIES Where stories live. Discover now