Chapter 2; The note

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Gavin looked at the note fowler had given him while at his desk. The android had taken a seat next to him. He sat laid back, relaxed. Gavin unfolded the note and read what it said

'I promised you I would. This is Conan. I think you know what he's for ~Elijah'

Blush took over Gavin's face as he read, remembering his brother's promise in college. He was sure Eli would have forgotten all about it, considering the money and power he received when he made the androids. He would've been sure that Eli would forget his little brother in the dust, let alone remember a promise from nearly 20 years ago. Gavin turned to the android next to him in amazement, His brother really did capture everything Gavin wanted.

The android turned to him with a glare,

"Yes, detective?" He asked in a cold tone. It sure did send shivers up Gavin's spine. Gavin gulped and stood up.

"I'm calling you Nines, get used to it." He stated as he walked toward the bulletin board. He skimmed through the cases and decided on a missing persons case. He turned to look at Nines to find him right behind him. He jumped, nearly having a heart attack. "Jesus! Will you stop sneaking up on me like that!?" The android apologized, then asked what their case was. Gavin walked back toward his desk "Missing person. Boy, about 14. Last seen at the basketball court in the high end of town."

Nines put his hand on the computer and downloaded the information. "Jordan Skyes" He said, "He's been missing for about a week. I suggest we go to the site where he was kidnapped and ask around." Gavin looked at Nines impressed.

"Okay, tin can. Let's see what you can do?"

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